Inventory of EU Member States Policies and Operational Response Capacities for HNS Marine Pollution 2010
Published25.05.2011Categories -
Blue Belt Pilot Project
Information notice for customs officials, ship owners, masters, agents and operators of ships calling at EU ports and participating in the Blue Belt pilot project.
Published13.04.2011CategoriesTags -
Multi-annual Funding Mid-term Report: EMSA’s Contribution
In accordance with the Regulation on the Multi-annual Funding of the Agency's pollution preparedness and response activities, a Mid-term Report will be submitted to the European Parliament and the ...
Published29.03.2011CategoriesTags -
Sharing the European Vessel Traffic Image and Beyond [leaflet]
Published09.06.2010CategoriesTags -
EMSA 5-Year Strategy
The development a strategic plan covering a 5 year perspective for EMSA was one of the conclusions of the evaluation of the Agency's activities. The relevant recommendation issued by the EMSA ...
Published31.05.2010CategoriesTags -
Maritime Accident Review
This is the third in an annual series of reviews which began in 2007, and which provide selective and aggregated information on EU maritime accidents (the term EU includes Norway and Iceland for the ...
Published20.05.2010Categories -
Using satellites to improve maritime safety and combat marine pollution [leaflet]
Short leaflet describing EMSA's use of satellite information for oilspill detection and vessel traffic monitoring, prepared for the European Commission's Galileo Application Days in March 2010 ...
Published23.02.2010Tags -
EU Agencies - The way ahead [Brochure]
This brochure gives the reader an overview of the missions of all the EU agencies and describes our common objectives to strengthen the service we deliver to the EU institutions and ultimately to ...
EMSA and the fishing industry
This brochure, produced for the World Fishing Exhibition 2009 in Vigo (Spain), aims to outline how the activities of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) contribute to the fishing sector in ...
Published09.09.2009 -
Study on the Certification of Ship Recycling Facilities
Disclaimer This report has been ordered by EMSA on the basis of a standard procurement procedure and is prepared by independent consultants; the COWI Group and Litehauz. The objective of the study ...
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