Effective implementation of maritime policies means that governments and authorities need detailed, reliable knowledge about what happens at sea, in real time. To this end, EMSA offers a whole host of digital services designed to provide optimum maritime awareness to well over 150 different national authorities across the EU and EFTA Member States, as well as to the European Commission and related European bodies.
This is done via activities like EMSA’s Integrated Maritime Services (IMS) which support national authorities engaged in maritime-related tasks, as well as the European Commission and several European bodies. Also supporting Member States administrations is the THETIS environment which serves as the EU’s maritime inspection, monitoring, reporting, and verifying database across an increasing range of tasks. The Maritime Support Services (MSS) centre at EMSA is the point of contact for any assistance required in the context of a maritime accident or event where EMSA’s services could be needed, as defined in EMSA’s Contingency Plan and the Working Arrangement with the European Commission’s Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).