Inventory of EU Member States Oil Pollution Response Vessels
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and ...
Published19.07.2012CategoriesTags -
Damage stability of Ro-Pax vessels - Final Report [2011]
Ship safety standards are developed and set, at the international level, by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They are subsequently implemented and enforced by both national maritime ...
Published07.05.2012CategoriesTags -
Technical Report - Safe Platform Study. Development of vessel design requirements to enter & operate in dangerous atmospheres
The objective of this project was to propose and describe vessel design requirements to enter hazardous environments and having the capability of performing various operational aspects during ...
Published02.04.2012CategoriesTags -
Inventory of possible training courses provided by EMSA for member states
The purpose of this inventory is to set out, in one document, the programmes that form the basis of EMSA's routine training activities. It describes those training courses which are provided on a ...
Published20.03.2012Categories -
Report on the annual accounts of EMSA for the financial year [2010]
Published17.01.2012Categories -
SafeSeaNet - Vessel Monitoring System Synergies Pilot Project
Published21.10.2011 -
Review & evaluation of the MAR-ICE Service following its first two years of operation (2009-2010)
The MAR-ICE Network was created in 2008 through a 3-Party Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research and ...
Published23.09.2011CategoriesTags -
CleanSeaNet First Generation Report
Report on CleanSeaNet First Generation 16 April 2007-31 January 2011 61 pages, includes reports on Member States' use of CleanSeaNet
Published13.09.2011CategoriesTags -
EMSA Training Programme - Providing Technical Assistance & Promoting Best Practices
EMSA's training courses for EU/EEA countries are agreed by the "Consultative Network on Technical Assistance" (CNTA). This network meets once per year under the Agency's chairmanship. Here, EU/EEA ...
Published30.08.2011 -
Maritime Accident Review 2010
This is the fourth in an annual series of reviews which began in 2007, and which provide selective and aggregated information on EU maritime accidents (the term EU includes Norway and Iceland for ...
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