Technical reports, studies and plans
EMSA produces and commissions technical reports and studies as necessary to facilitate more informed choices. Action plans and activity reports are regularly published by EMSA to keep its stake holders informed of the various developments relating to a specific project.
EMTER in 24 EU languages
The second edition of European Maritime Transport Environmental Report (EMTER) examines the progress made towards achieving Europe’s decarbonisation targets and environmental goals, while indicating the most important trends, key challenges, and opportunities in the sustainability transition of the maritime transport sector. Since the first edition of the report was published in 2021, progress ...
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European Maritime Transport Environmental Report 2025
EMTER provides a fully up to date and comprehensive overview of the environmental impact of the maritime transport sector in the EU across a wide range of indicators. With fully updated facts and data, the report provides a factual analysis of the environmental pressures exerted by the maritime transport sector in areas like greenhouse gas emissions, air emissions, underwater noise, ...
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Study on Safe Bunkering of Biofuels
EMSA contracted the study EMSA OP/11/2023 to DNV to address a gap in standardisation of procedures for marine bunkering of biofuel. The study builds on expert knowledge of the physical-chemical characteristics of selected biofuels (bio-methanol, FT-diesel, DME, HVO and FAME) and bunkering practices to identify possible risks and safeguards. The main outcome of this study is a Guidance document, ...
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TRAINALTER - Study on the identification of specific competences for seafarers on ships using alternative fuels and energy systems
The maritime industry is undergoing a technology transition towards decarbonised shipping. To achieve the ambitious goals of reducing emissions from ships, several potential alternative fuels and energy systems have been identified for shipping. One of the main challenges that the technology transition entails is the additional training that seafarers on board ships using alternative fuels and ...
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Potential use of nuclear power for shipping
The European Union, with the adoption of the European Green Deal, has signalled its engagement towards becoming a carbon free economy. In this context, EMSA is supporting maritime stakeholders by providing technologically neutral studies on potential alternative fuels and power solutions for shipping. This report is the last one of a series of studies produced in 2022, 2023 and 2024 covering the ...
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Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2024
The Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents consists of a high-level analysis of marine casualties or incidents accidents reported until 31 December 2023 by the EU Member States in the European electronic database (EMCIP) established by the Directive 2009/18/EC. The advanced functionalities in this publication will work only in compatible pdf readers, as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Synthetic fuels for shipping
Among the broad spectrum of technology and fuel solution pathways presently available to ship designers, builders, owners, and operators, synthetic fuels or, more specifically, renewable e-fuels, offer medium and long-term alternatives that can enter the market relatively quickly. This new report analyses the potential of e-diesel, e-methane, and e-methanol across a range of areas and ...
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The NAVIs SONus (NAVISON) report is the first pan-European report to provide historical and future forecast underwater noise data for all European seas. Underwater noise from ships is recognised as a stress factor for marine life, particularly for cetaceans like whales and dolphins, who use sound to communicate with each other. It can harm marine biodiversity and cause behavioural changes in ...
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EMSA RPAS Services for Maritime Surveillance 2017-2023
This report provides a comprehensive overview of EMSA's RPAS services, summarizing key outcomes from 2017 to 2023 and evaluating their use in the maritime domain. This evaluation is informed by feedback from coast guard authorities and aims to facilitate the ongoing development of RPAS Services. Additionally, it seeks to share insights with maritime authorities interested in establishing their ...
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Study investigating the safety of hydrogen as fuel on ships
Part 1 of the report includes an analysis of hydrogen’s main characteristics to frame which safety hazards, system threats and risks to be considered and mitigated when using hydrogen as ship fuel. Natural gas – for which the IGF Code has put internationally recognised safety barriers in place to ensure its safe use – is used as a benchmark. Established principles for mitigation and control, and ...
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