New limits for the sulphur content of marine fuels
Information for state authorities, ship owners, masters, fuel suppliers, agents or operators of ships on Directive 1999/32/EC
Published02.03.2015Categories -
Work Programme 2015
Besides describing the well-known tasks of EMSA and the purpose of its activities in the fields of maritime safety, security and pollution prevention and response, the EMSA Work Programme also gives ...
Published16.02.2015Categories -
Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels: Drills and Exercises. Annual Report 2014
In order to provide additional support to the Member States' pollution response mechanisms in a cost efficient way, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has built up, in European waters, a ...
Published12.02.2015Categories -
National Single Window Prototype - an electronic solution for simplifying administrative procedures
The National Single Window (NSW) aims to simplify the administrative burden by providing a place where all maritime information is reported once by ship data providers, at either national or port ...
Published02.02.2015CategoriesTags -
Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2014
The Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents consists in a high-level analysis of accidents reported by the EU Member States in European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP). This ...
Published18.12.2014Categories -
Annual Report 2013
This annual report is an account of the work undertaken by EMSA in 2013 to enhance the quality of shipping, strengthen maritime safety and achieve cleaner oceans. It measures the added value of ...
Published07.11.2014Categories -
Inventory of national policies regarding the use of oil spill dispersants in the EU
EMSA is tasked by Regulation (EC) No 2038/2006 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and response capabilities in the various regions of the ...
Published13.10.2014 -
Integrated Maritime Policy and the SafeSeaNet Ecosystem
Study to assses the future evolution of SSN to support CISE and other communities This study was undertaken as part of a Delegation Agreement between the European Commission (EC) and EMSA, as a ...
Published26.09.2014CategoriesTags -
Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels and Equipment (Handbook 2014)
In May 2004, with the entering into force of Regulation 724/2004/EC, EMSA was given the task of providing support to Member States in their efforts to respond to ship-sourced pollution in EU waters. ...
Published09.09.2014CategoriesTags -
The CleanSeaNet service
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