EMSA e-Portal for experts and speakers

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The EMSA e-Portal for experts and speakers allows you to connect your expertise with EMSA. It is a database of maritime specialists whose experience complements our in-house knowledge, and who might be able to contribute to our work through participation in projects, training courses, events and seminars.

What we do

Since its foundation, EMSA’s role has centred on building a safe, secure, green and competitive maritime sector throughout the EU, helping people and goods to move freely and safely through the Single Market, and strengthening the EU’s maritime presence abroad.

EMSA’s roadmap for the future is its Five-Year Strategy (2020-2024) which frames its actions and initiatives through five strategic pillars: sustainability; surveillance; safety; security; and simplification.  Through these pillars, the Agency supports a wide range of policy actions and strategy goals at EU level, and acts as a service provider and reliable partner for Member States and EU institutions and bodies alike.

EMSA manages and develops an extensive portfolio of technologically advanced tools and services, and houses specialist technical expertise on the maritime sector, acting both as an international reference point for maritime issues and as a knowledge hub

Through capacity-building and training for maritime experts at Member State and international level, EMSA also plays an important role in ensuring the application of relevant EU legislation and international standards.

Developing the maritime knowledge base

Academy 283The maritime sector is knowledge-driven; both at individual, industry and institutional level, and EMSA’s work reflects that drive. Through the EMSA Academy, the Agency provides learning services outside formal education to all beneficiary organisations and their individual staff members. EMSA also organises conferences, workshops and seminars, on topics encompassing the five pillars of its strategy – sustainability, surveillance, safety, security and simplification. In addition, the Agency contributes, through studies and reports, to a wide range of policy initiatives and actions at EU and international level.

Connect with us

As it implements its core tasks, EMSA organises, develops or implements a wide range of activities that might require specific expertise to complement that which already exists within the Agency.

The EMSA e-Portal allows experts and speakers to register their details with a view to being contacted by the Agency for future projects, knowledge activities or events that might fit their particular area of specialist expertise.

For the purposes of this exercise, potential experts and speakers apply through two different tracks. Experts must apply via a Call for Expression of Interest, have their applications evaluated by EMSA and then, if they are selected, their details will be entered into the e-Portal by the Agency. Speakers can enter their details directly into the e-Portal, on the basis of which they may be called upon to participate in relevant activities.

How to Apply


Experts are recruited via a Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) launched by EMSA.

Experts are selected after an evaluation by EMSA, based on pre-defined areas of expertise which they will choose from when applying. Once selected, their details are entered into the e-Portal.

Experts may be called to perform activities and/or projects in support of EMSA, covering a wide range of areas related to the activities of the Agency, which could include, but is not limited to, the development of training material, carrying out studies, and capacity-building projects.  When applicable, travel reimbursements, accommodation and a daily subsistence allowance will be paid, based on EMSA’s rules on reimbursement of expenses.

Experts will also be paid a daily fixed rate of EUR 400 per working day.  More details can be found in the call for expression of interest below; to apply, please read the call for expression of interest carefully, and follow the instructions given. For more information, you can email experts@emsa.europa.eu.

Watch the tutorial video for 'Experts Database'


Speakers can be invited to support the learning services offered by EMSA, or to deliver specific presentation on their topic(s) of expertise to seminars, workshops, or other events that the Agency may organise.  More details on this role can be found in the guidelines for speakers, below.

Speakers should submit their applications directly through the e-Portal for experts and speakers.

Their applications are not subject to evaluation. When applicable, speakers can be reimbursed for travel, accommodation, and a daily subsistence allowance, paid based on EMSA’s rules of reimbursement of expenses, but no other remuneration from EMSA will be received.

If you are interested in applying, please click through to the e-Portal and fill in the fields as directed, making sure to select your pre-defined area(s) of expertise, from which you can choose when applying. For more information, you can email experts@emsa.europa.eu.

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Call for expression of interest

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EMSA guidelines for speakers

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e-Portal for speakers & experts