Tag: Sustainability
Possible technical modifications on Pre-2000 Marine Diesel engines for NOx reductions
In the context of the current review of MARPOL Annex VI, EMSA commissioned a study to GL in order to obtain a clearer picture and advices on possible technical modifications on Pre-2000 Marine ...
Report: EMSA Workshop on handling of Cargo Residues
Published07.12.2007CategoriesTags -
Preparedness and Response to Marine Pollution involving Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS)
Published21.11.2007CategoriesTags -
Workshop on places of refuge: cooperation, liability and compensation
Published21.09.2007Categories -
Promoting best practices among EU VTS centres: the Finnish experience and the Helsinki VTS
Study on ships producing reduced quantities of ships generated waste
Disclaimer Study on ships producing reduced quantities of ships generated waste: present situation and future opportunities to encourage the development of cleaner ships. The content of the report ...
Revision of MARPOL annex VI
Published15.02.2007Categories -
Workshop on the implementation of the HNS Convention (WS II)
Published21.11.2006CategoriesTags -
1st Ship Recycling Workshop
Published21.09.2006CategoriesTags -
Regulation (EC) No 2006/1013
on shipments waste
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