Tag: Sustainability
Air pollutants
As a result of various onboard combustion and energy transformation processes, ships emit various air pollutants into the atmosphere. The main ones are sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ...
Published20.08.2021CategoriesTags -
Greenhouse Gas
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) contribute to climate change, representing a threat to the marine environment and human health. They produce changes in temperature, increasing CO2 levels, and decreasing pH ...
Published20.08.2021CategoriesTags -
EMTER Report 2021
The first up to date and comprehensive overview of the environmental transport sector in the EU, the EMTER (European Maritime Transport Environmental Report), is a joint report produced by the ...
Published08.08.2021Tags -
Workshop on Implementation of the Port Reception Facilities Directive (EU) 2019/883 and EMSA PRF
Published15.04.2021Categories -
Interactive EMSA-EEA workshop calls on participants to share their views on first ever report of the environmental performance of the maritime transport sector in the EU
On 2 December a jointly held EMSA-EEA workshop gathered together over 150 participants from maritime and environmental administrations, industry associations, civil society organisations and the ...
EMTER Stakeholder Consultation Workshop
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Study on Electrical Energy Storage for Ships
The present report provides a technical study on the use of Electrical Energy Storage in shipping that, being supported by a technology overview and risk-based analysis evaluates the potential and ...
Published07.05.2020CategoriesTags -
Guidance on inspections of ships by the port States in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling
The aim of this EMSA guidance is to assist the Member States and their designated inspectors in their efforts to fulfil the requirements of SRR and PSC Directive, in relation to inspections covering ...
Published14.10.2019CategoriesTags -
Ballast Water Management - Guidance for best practices on sampling
This document provides best practice guidance and a harmonised approach to sampling for compliance in accordance with Article 9 of the IMO Ballast Water Convention 2004. This document has been ...
Published01.03.2019CategoriesTags -
EMSA Study of two hazardous substances (PFOS and HBCDD) included in the annexes of regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling
EMSA’s study on the two hazardous substances (PFOS and HBCDD) included in the annexes of regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling, is now published and available on the website. In addition to ...
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