MAR-CIS - Marine chemical information sheet [leaflet]
The MAR-CIS information sheets provide in a concise way substance-specific and maritime relevant information on chemicals aiming to assist the competent authorities during the initial stage of the ...
Published29.05.2018CategoriesTags -
Safety Analysis of Data Reported in EMCIP. Analysis on Marine Casualties and Incidents involving Fishing Vessels
EMSA has developed a methodology to analyse data reported in the European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) with the view to detect potential safety issues. Between July 2017 and December ...
Published13.04.2018Categories -
Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels: Drills and Exercises. Annual Report 2017
In order to provide additional support to the pollution response mechanisms of EU Member States in a cost efficient way, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) operates, in European waters, a ...
Published23.03.2018Categories -
Integrated Maritime Services [poster]
Published12.03.2018Categories -
Marine Pollution Response Services [poster]
The European Maritime Safety Agency offers a range of services to help coastal States around Europe respond quickly, effectively and efficiently to marine pollution from ships and oil and gas ...
Published12.03.2018CategoriesTags -
EMSA Outlook 2018
EMSA’s Outlook 2018 contains the concrete action and steps the Agency plans to take in 2018 to deliver on its multi-annual strategic objectives. It represents a condensed version of the Single ...
Published28.02.2018Categories -
Guidance on LNG Bunkering to Port Authorities and Administrations
The guidance was prepared in close cooperation with the European Commission (DG MOVE), member states and industry within the context of the European Sustainable Shipping Forum. It aims to support ...
Published06.02.2018CategoriesTags -
Automatic Detection and Alert Triggering of Ship Behaviour [leaflet]
The MAR-CIS information sheets provide in a concise way substance-specific and maritime relevant information on chemicals aimingto assist the competent authorities during the initial stage of the ...
Published02.02.2018Categories -
Single Programming Document 2018-2020
The EMSA Single Programming Document 2018-2020 was adopted by the Administrative Board at the end of 2017. It constitutes the Agency’s roadmap for the year to come, laying out the specific actions ...
Published17.01.2018Categories -
EMSA Study of two hazardous substances (PFOS and HBCDD) included in the annexes of regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling
EMSA’s study on the two hazardous substances (PFOS and HBCDD) included in the annexes of regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling, is now published and available on the website. In addition to ...
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