A transparent administration
EMSA was established by Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 as a major source of support to the Commission and the Member States in the field of maritime safety and prevention of pollution from ships, and subsequent amendments have refined and enlarged its mandate.
Access the legal foundation of EMSA
EMSA’s work is supervised by its Administrative Board, which is composed of representatives of all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway (EFTA countries) and four representatives from the European Commission, plus four non-voting representatives from different sectors of the maritime industry.
Learn more about EMSA’s Administrative Board and how it works
The members of the Administrative Board
EMSA’s Executive Director is responsible for the running and development of the Agency under the oversight of the Administrative Board. Our current Executive Director is Maja Markovčić Kostelac, from Croatia.
Read more about our Executive Director
The Executive Director is supported by a senior management team which runs the day-to-day work of the departments in EMSA and reports directly to her.
EMSA’s organisational structure is based on departments, and units within each department, all working together to fulfil the mandate of the Agency.
The Financial Regulations of EMSA lay down detailed rules for the implementation of the financial regulation, as applicable to its budget. These rules cover such areas as budgetary approval, accounting principles and procurement procedures.
Read EMSA’s Financial Regulation
We purchase goods and services through a procurement process. Calls for tender are always published on our website, as are details of contracts which have been awarded. We also offer a subscription service for information on calls for tender launched by EMSA.
See all closed calls for tender (archived)
It’s important to us that EU citizens are able to access core information about EMSA in their own language. We have translated parts of our website into 24 EU languages for that reason, and our 5-year strategy (2020-2024) is also available in 24 EU languages. In addition, we regularly add multilingual content to our website, including translations of our key reporting work.
Access our multilingual website section
Access our European Maritime Transport Environmental Report (facts & figures)
Access our COVID-19 impact on the EU maritime transport sector report (facts & figures)
Access our European Maritime Safety Report (facts and figures)
Access our EMTER 2025 report (second edition: facts and figures)