Technical reports, studies and plans
EMSA produces and commissions technical reports and studies as necessary to facilitate more informed choices. Action plans and activity reports are regularly published by EMSA to keep its stake holders informed of the various developments relating to a specific project.
Damage stability of Ro-Pax vessels [2009]
Ship safety standards are developed and set, at the international level, by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They are subsequently implemented and enforced by both national maritime ...
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Study on the Certification of Ship Recycling Facilities
Disclaimer This report has been ordered by EMSA on the basis of a standard procurement procedure and is prepared by independent consultants; the COWI Group and Litehauz. The objective of the study ...
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Action Plan for HNS Pollution, Preparedness and Response
For the purposes of this Action Plan, HNS are defined as “any substance other than oil which, if introduced into the marine environment,is likely to create hazards to human health, to harm living ...
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A study on the availability and use of port reception facilities for ship-generated waste -Summary
This document is a summary of the report issued by Carlbro following its interviews with port authorities in different Member States. Its content does not necessarily reflect the Commission's or ...
Final report of the High Level Panel of Expertson Double Hull Tankers
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Marine Casualty Investigation in EU-25 and EEA Member States [Interim Report]
Liability and Compensation with Regard to Places of Refuge (2004)
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