MAR-ICE Network - Fourth review and evaluation of the MAR-ICE Network covering its operation from January 2016 to June 2018
The MAR-ICE Network was established in 2008 through a 3-Party Cooperation Agreement (as amended) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Cedre) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). It became operational in January 2009 and has since been activated by EU and EFTA/EEA countries 38 times. The MAR-ICE Network provides upon request remotely (via e-mail / phone) expert information and advice on chemical substances in the event of a maritime emergency. The service currently runs through to 16 October 2022.
Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels: Drills and Exercises. Annual Reports
Inventory of EU Member States Oil Pollution Response Vessels 2016
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and response capabilities in the various regions of the European Union".
In order to fulfil this task of providing accurate and up-to-date information on the pollution preparedness and response mechanisms and capabilities of the EU and EFTA coastal States, EMSA contacts the competent authorities in each State and prepares specific inventories such as this Inventory of EU Members States Oil Pollution Response Vessels 2016.
Overview of national dispersant testing and approval policies in the EU
Information Paper developed by the Technical Correspondence Group on Dispersants, under the Consultative Technical Group for Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response (CTG MPPR).
Third review and evaluation of the MAR-ICE Network covering its operation from July 2013 to December 2015
The MAR-ICE Network was created in 2008 through a 3-Party Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Cedre) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and became operational in January 2009. The Network provides remotely upon request expert information and advice on chemicals in the event of a maritime emergency. This report provides the third review and evaluation of the Network and the service it provided in the period from July 2013 to December 2015.
EMPOLLEX Guidelines & Reimbursement Rules
EMPOLLEX Programme: Marine Pollution Expert Exchange Programme [leaflet]
Protecting European seas against oil pollution - Network of EMSA contracted vessels
EMSA Network of Oil Spill Response Vessels - Protecting European Seas against Pollution
EMSA works with Member States to support with additional means in a cost effcient way pollution response actions; and provides assistance in case of pollution caused by ships and oil and gas installations affecting third countries sharing a regional basin with the European Union. Find more in this leaflet.
Inventory of national policies regarding the use of oil spill dispersants in the EU
EMSA is tasked by Regulation (EC) No 2038/2006 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and response capabilities in the various regions of the European Union". In order to fulfil this task of providing accurate and up to date information in the EU and EFTA coastal Member States with regard to dispersants, EMSA contacts the respective Member States and prepares specific inventories such as the Inventory of national policies regarding the use of oil spill dispersants in the EU Member States
Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels and Equipment (Handbook 2014)
In May 2004, with the entering into force of Regulation 724/2004/EC, EMSA was given the task of providing support to Member States in their efforts to respond to ship-sourced pollution in EU waters. In order to define the framework for the associated support activities, the Agency developed the Action Plan for Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response (2004). The plan is updated regularly as part of the Agency's annual Work Programme.
The Pollution Preparedness & Response activities of the European Maritime Safety Agency - Reports
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) shall submit a report to the Commission and the Administrative Board, by 31 January each year, concerning the financial execution of the detailed plan (Action Plan) for the Agency's pollution preparedness and response activities and give an update of the status of all actions funded under that plan (Regulation 2038/2006/EC1, Article 7).
Find below the whole series of the Pollution Preparedness & Response activities of the European Maritime Safety Agency - reports
Action Plan for response to marine pollution from oil and gas installations
Second review and evaluation of the MAR-ICE Network covering its operation from January 2011 to June 2013
The MAR-ICE Network was created in 2008 through a 3-Party Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Cedre) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and became operational in January 2009. The MAR-ICE MoU has been extended in 2011 until October 2014.
A first report evaluating the service provided by the Network during its first two years of operation (January 2009 to December 2010) was published on EMSA's website in 2011. This is the second report evaluating the Network's operations from January 2011 to June 2013.
Inventory of EU Member States Policies and Operational Response Capacities for HNS Marine Pollution 2013
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1891/2006 amending Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002, EMSA is given the task to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and response capabilities in the various regions of the European Union".
This update is based on information provided and verified by the competent national authorities in each Member State, reflecting changes which may have occurred since 2010. It replaces the 2010 HNS inventory and is meant to provide a general description of the status of preparedness and response capabilities to marine incidents involving HNS in coastal EU and EFTA/EEA States
Inventory of EU Member States Oil Pollution Response Vessels
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and response capabilities in the various regions of the European Union".
In order to fulfil this task of providing accurate and up-to-date information on the pollution preparedness and response mechanisms and capabilities of the EU and EFTA coastal States, EMSA contacts the competent authorities in each State and prepares specific inventories such as this Inventory of EU Members States Oil Pollution Response Vessels 2012.
Inventory of EU Member States Policies and Operational Response Capacities for HNS Marine Pollution 2010
Multi-annual Funding Mid-term Report: EMSA’s Contribution
In accordance with the Regulation on the Multi-annual Funding of the Agency's pollution preparedness and response activities, a Mid-term Report will be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council by 31st December 2010 by the Commission on the basis of information provided by the Agency. This Mid-term Report covers the period 2007-2009. The information contained herein constitutes EMSA's provision to the Commission.
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