EMSA Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2017
The Consolidated Annual Activity Report provides a detailed account of the actions carried out in 2017. Operational achievements are reported in Part I. The section is organised by activity and ...
Published19.06.2018Categories -
Lightweight RPAS to support operations from vessels
Published13.06.2018Categories -
Acquisition of Virtual Reality Simulator for Training
Published13.06.2018Categories -
Newsletter June 2018
In this issue: Learning how surveillance systems can be used to detect pollution; Adriatic 2018 – oil spill response exercise coordinated by Croatia; EMSA hosts ECSA Safety President of Malta ...
Published06.06.2018Categories -
MAR-CIS - Marine chemical information sheet [leaflet]
The MAR-CIS information sheets provide in a concise way substance-specific and maritime relevant information on chemicals aiming to assist the competent authorities during the initial stage of the ...
Published29.05.2018CategoriesTags -
Provision of satellite images and value added products for maritime surveillance based on SAR and optical sensors
Published24.05.2018Categories -
Newsletter May 2018
In this issue: Boosting technical expertise in the EU’s Enlargement Countries; Port State Control – Caribbean MoU, Indian Ocean MoU and IMO visit EMSA; Integrated Maritime Services for Member States ...
Published16.05.2018Categories -
Contracts for RPAS VTOL Services for Emissions Monitoring and Maritime Surveillance
Published27.04.2018Categories -
Newsletter April 2018
In this issue: 50th Administrative Board meeting led by new chair Andreas Nordseth; Drawing lessons from EMCIP data – greater safety on fishing vessels; Working together for a cleaner environment; ...
Published13.04.2018Categories -
Safety Analysis of Data Reported in EMCIP. Analysis on Marine Casualties and Incidents involving Fishing Vessels
EMSA has developed a methodology to analyse data reported in the European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) with the view to detect potential safety issues. Between July 2017 and December ...
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