In accordance with Article 22 of Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002, as amended, establishing a European Maritime Safety Agency, the Administrative Board shall “At regular intervals and at least every five years, (…) commission an independent external evaluation on the implementation of this Regulation.”
At its 43rd Administrative Board meeting in November 2015, the Administrative Board established the High Level Steering Committee, chaired by the Chairperson of the Board and composed of representatives from Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Spain and the Commission to carry out this task. EMSA acted as Secretariat.
The evaluation assessed the impact of EMSA's founding Regulation, the utility, relevance, added value and effectiveness of the Agency and its working practices.
The Report concluded that: The overall assessment is that EMSA contributes to a safer and more secure maritime environment as well as to the increased ability of Member States to prevent and to respond to marine pollution by pursuing activities and objectives which correspond to the needs of the EU in the area.
This Report will form the basis for a set of recommendations to be issued by the EMSA Administrative Board, most likely in November 2017.