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At EMSA, we communicate our work through several channels. We publish articles about EMSA and its activities on the news page of our website, and we issue press releases about our activities. You can find us on social media, and you can also sign up for our monthly newsletter.

If you are a journalist looking for information on EMSA, you can find out how to contact us via our press page. You can also sign up to receive our press releases.

If you are a member of the public and you have a question for us, you can use our contact form.

If you are seeking public access to documents under the provisions of Regulation 1049/2001, you can use our access to documents form to make a request. In certain circumstances you can also request access to some of our maritime data – please consult this information before doing so.

Use of our logo

Our logo (emblem) is our property, and, along with our name in 24 EU languages, it is protected under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property.

Under certain circumstances, we may allow third parties to use our logo. Those circumstances, and the permissions required are detailed in our Guidelines on the Use of the EMSA logo.


Below you will find a selection of high-resolution images of EMSA’s headquarters in Lisbon that may be reproduced without restrictions, provided the source is acknowledged. For more information, please contact press (at)


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