Document CISE Core Vocabulary Specification

Table of Contents

UML Conceptual Model

Elements defined in the Core Vocabulary

AttachedDocument Class (abstract), subclass of Document 

Attributes for AttachedDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for AttachedDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


CargoDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Cargo related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for CargoDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType CargoDocumentType

Electronic material related to vessels cargo or individual cargo items.

Cargo manifest:


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for CargoDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


CertificateDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Certificate related documents and material in electronic format.

Subclass of Document.

Attributes for CertificateDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType CertificateDocumentType

Documents related to Certificate


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for CertificateDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


Document Class, subclass of Entity 

The Document is one of the fundamental entities of the overall data model of the information sharing environment. A Document allows tracing and exchanging information in a persistent manner in almost any possible electronic format; this information is expected to provide details on and express specific associations between other Entity Classes such as Agents, Objects, Events, Risks, Locations etc.

Attributes for Document

UML Name Data type Description Example
Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for Document

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


EventDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Event related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for EventDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType EventDocumentType

Electronic material related to individual events (or more specifically one of its sub-classes: movement, anomaly, incident or action).

e.g. an incident report from SafeSeaNet:


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for EventDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


LocationDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Location related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for LocationDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType LocationDocumentType

Electronic material related to specified Location.

meteorological maps from specified area


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for LocationDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


OrganizationDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Organization related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for OrganizationDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType OrganizationDocumentType

Electronic material related to individual identified Organization or one of its sub-classes.

Documents describing harbour security plans:


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for OrganizationDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


PersonDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Person related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for PersonDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType PersonDocumentType

Electronic material related to individual Persons.


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for PersonDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


RiskDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Risk related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for RiskDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType RiskDocumentType

Electronic material related to individual risks.

SafeSeaNet HAZMAT Notifications:


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for RiskDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


Stream Class, subclass of Document 

Stream of information.

Attributes for Stream

UML Name Data type Description Example
Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


StreamType StreamType

Type of the stream. Each stream type is linked to a specific standard.


StreamURI XSD::anyURI

Endpoint of the stream, from which the information can be downloaded.


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for Stream

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.


VesselDocument Class, subclass of AttachedDocument 

This sub-class allows the identification and exchange of Vessel related documents and material in electronic format.

Attributes for VesselDocument

UML Name Data type Description Example
Content XSD::base64Binary

Content of the document


DocumentType VesselDocumentType

Electronic material related to individual vessels.

Vessel's Certificate of registry:


Hash XSD::hexBinary

Integrity check


Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the document.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

Class Metadata will be used to carry more specific information about documents.


ReferenceURI XSD::anyURI

Uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource.

e.g.web address of the document "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide"


Subject String

The topic of the content of the resource. Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords or key phrases or classification codes that describe the topic of the resource. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme

e.g. the document in the previous example would be one of the many documents belonging to subject VTS or Vessel Traffic Services:

<Subject>Vessel Traffic Services</Subject>

Title String

A name given to the resource, e.g. the official name of the publication in English language

e.g. documents which official english name is "Helsinki VTS Master's Guide":

<Title>Helsinki VTS Master's Guide</Title>

Version String

Indicates the version number of the document/resource.

e.g. version 2.1 of the document

<Name>Version 2.1</Name>

Association Roles for VesselDocument

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Location Location

It is not mandatory for a document to refer to any location but it is allowed to refer to multiple different locations if required.
