CertificateDocumentType Enumeration



Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
TonnageCertificate tonnage certificate

LoadLineCertificate load line certificate

MinimumSafeManningDocument minimum safe manning document

OilPollutionPreventionCertificate oil pollution prevention certificate

SewagePollutionPreventionCertificate sewage pollution prevention certificate

VDRComplianceCertificate VDR compliance certificate

ISMComplianceDocument ISM compliance document

SafetyManagementCertificate safety management certificate

ISSCertificate ISS certificate

PSSCertificate PSS certificate

STPSSaCertificate STPS sa certificate

STPSSpCertificate STPS sp certificate

CSSConstructionCertificate CSS construction certificate

CSSEquipmentCertificate CSS equipment certificate

CSSRadioCertificate CSS radio certificate

CSSCertificate CSS certificate

GrainAuthorizationDocument grain authorization document

CivilLiabilityCertificate civil liability certificate

EnhancedSurveyDocument enhanced survey document

NLSCertificate NLS certificate

BulkChemicalsCarriageCertificate bulk chemicals carriage certificate

IntBulkChemicalsCarriageCertificate int bulk chemicals carriage certificate

BulkLiquidGasCertificate bulk liquid gas certificate

IntBulkLiquidGasCertificate int bulk liquid gas certificate

HSCSafetyCertificate HSC safety certificate

HSCOperationPermit HSC operation permit

IMDGCertificate IMDG certificate

INFCertificate INF certificate

RegistryCertificate registry certificate

HullClassCertificate hull class certificate

EngineClassCertificate engine class certificate

PandICertificate pand I certificate

ILO133Certificate ILO133 certificate

ILO92Certificate ILO92 certificate

ITFBlueCard ITF blue card

DeclarationOfHealth declaration of health

GasFreeCertificate gas free certificate

DeRatCertificate de rat certificate

Certificate certificate

Other other

NonSpecified non-specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: