CargoDocumentType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the possible types of documents related to cargo.


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
CargoManifest cargo manifest

Basic information about the cargo. Would include also links to further information: bill of lading, cargo bill, liner way bill

VATException VAT exception

EntrySummaryDeclaration entry summary declaration

IMOFALForm2CargoDeclaration IMOFAL form2 cargo declaration

IMOFALForm3ShipsStoresDeclaration IMOFAL form3 ships stores declaration

IMOFALForm4CrewsEffectsDeclaration IMOFAL form4 crews effects declaration

NotificationOfDangerousGoods notification of dangerous goods

IMOFALForm7DangerousGoods IMOFAL form7 dangerous goods

SingleAdministrativeDocument single administrative document

CatchCertificate catch certificate

FishingLogbook fishing logbook

Other other

NonSpecified non-specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: