Model Element | Type |
FileMediaType | Enumeration |
InformationReliabilityLevelType | Enumeration |
InformationSecurityClassificationType | Enumeration |
InformationSensitivityDegreeType | Enumeration |
Metadata | Class |
The class provides information about the properties of the data communicated through the system, excluding the content of the data.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Abstract | String | A short account of the resource. |
Free text abstract describing the data |
Comments | String | Additional comments on the resource. |
Comments as free text |
CreationDate | XSD::DateTime | The date and time the information was created. |
Creator | Agent | An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. |
Finnish Border Guard |
Description | String | A detailed account of the resource. |
free text describing the data |
Designation | String | Refers to the class/entity which is described by the metadata. |
FileMediaType | FileMediaType | Content types and subtypes as defined in RFC 2046 (Main types include: application, audio, example, image, message, model, multipart, text, video) |
image/jpeg or video/mpeg etc. |
FileSchema | XSD::anyURI |
FileURI | XSD::anyURI |
InformationReliabilityLevel | InformationReliabilityLevelType | Enumerated |
InformationSecurityClassification | InformationSecurityClassificationType | Enumerated |
EU Secret |
InformationSensitivityDegree | InformationSensitivityDegreeType | This enumeration presents the possible values for information sensitivity degree. The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) of US-CERT is applied ( ). |
Language | String | Alpha-3 codes which represent the names of language of the resource. For the languages which are defined with two codes, the ´terminological´ code (ISO 639-2/T) is used instead of the ´bibliographic´ one (see |
pol for Polish |
PublicationDate | XSD::DateTime | The date and time the information was published |
Publisher | Agent | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
Finnish Border Guard |
ValidityPeriod | Period | Validity for a specific Period of time |