Metadata CISE Core Vocabulary Specification

Table of Contents

UML Conceptual Model

Elements defined in the Core Vocabulary

Metadata Datatype

The class provides information about the properties of the data communicated through the system, excluding the content of the data.

Attributes for Metadata

UML Name Data type Description Example
Abstract String

A short account of the resource.

Free text abstract describing the data

Comments String

Additional comments on the resource.

Comments as free text

CreationDate XSD::DateTime

The date and time the information was created.


Creator Agent

An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.

Finnish Border Guard

Description String

A detailed account of the resource.

free text describing the data

Designation String

Refers to the class/entity which is described by the metadata.


FileMediaType FileMediaType

Content types and subtypes as defined in RFC 2046

(Main types include: application, audio, example, image, message, model, multipart, text, video)

image/jpeg or video/mpeg etc.

FileSchema XSD::anyURI






InformationReliabilityLevel InformationReliabilityLevelType



InformationSecurityClassification InformationSecurityClassificationType


EU Secret

InformationSensitivityDegree InformationSensitivityDegreeType

This enumeration presents the possible values for information sensitivity degree. The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) of US-CERT is applied ( ).


Language String

Alpha-3 codes which represent the names of language of the resource. For the languages which are defined with two codes, the ´terminological´ code (ISO 639-2/T) is used instead of the ´bibliographic´ one (see

pol for Polish

PublicationDate XSD::DateTime

The date and time the information was published


Publisher Agent

An entity responsible for making the resource available.

Finnish Border Guard

ValidityPeriod Period

Validity for a specific Period of time