LocationDocumentType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the possible types of documents related to a location.

Source: PPIAF

Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
PortLaw port law

PortRegulations port regulations

PortServices port services

PortFacilities port facilities

PortDues port dues

PortInfrastructures port infrastructures

PortPlanningAndDevelopment port planning and development

OperationalInfrastructures operational infrastructures

MaritimeAccess maritime access

MarineServicesAndFacilities marine services and facilities

Harbormaster harbormaster

HydrographicMap hydrographic map

MaritimeInfrastructures maritime infrastructures

MeteorologicalMaps meteorological maps

OceanographicMapsPerSeason oceanographic maps per season

LegalMaps legal maps

MarineResources marine resources

MarineResourcesPotential marine resources potential

RemnentPollution remnent pollution

SeabedHazards seabed hazards

Natura2000Areas natura2000 areas


LocationOfAreasWithRichArchaeologicalHeritage location of areas with rich archaeological heritage

LocationOfPSSAParticularySensitiveAreas location of PSSA particulary sensitive areas

LocationOfOtherTypesOfMarineProtectedAreas location of other types of marine protected areas

LocationOfSensitiveAreasForCetaceansAndTypeOfRestrictionsForMaritimeOperationsAccordingNationalLaws location of sensitive areas for cetaceans and type of restrictions for maritime operations according national laws

ChangeFrequencyOfObservationsOfEndangeredAndProtectedSpecies change frequency of observations of endangered and protected species

LocationsOfMigratoryPathsOrRoutes locations of migratory paths or routes

SeaStateWindAndCurrentInformation sea state wind and current information

SeaSurfaceTemperatureInformation sea surface temperature information

AirTemperatureInformation air temperature information

VisibilityInformation visibility information

WaveHeightInformation wave height information

GlobalRegionTidesInformation global region tides information

IceInformation ice information

CurrentsmSalinityTemperatureOpacityAtDifferentDepth currentsm salinity temperature opacity at different depth

ChemicalConcentrationsInWaterColumn chemical concentrations in water column

ElaboratedSectoralInformation elaborated sectoral information

EmergingAreasRichInNutrientsAndParticularMarineCurrents emerging areas rich in nutrients and particular marine currents

RealTimeClosureOfFishingAreas real time closure of fishing areas

InformationAboutPast piracy incidents information about past piracy incidents

MapsOfPiracyIncidentDistribution maps of piracy incident distribution

MapsOfShipTrafficDistributionPerShipTypeAndPerSeason maps of ship traffic distribution per ship type and per season

ShoreBasesOfPiratesAndTheirCurrentActivityLevel shore bases of pirates and their current activity level

ActualLocationsOfMerchantAndFishingShips actual locations of merchant and fishing ships

ActualLocationsOfNavalPatrolShips actual locations of naval patrol ships

PirateShipsAtacksLocations pirate ships atacks locations

LocationsOfBasesOfPatrolAssets locations of bases of patrol assets

MapsOfPastNonPiracyIncidentsDistributionNotOnlyOnSeaButAlsoOnTheShores maps of past non-piracy incidents distribution not only on sea but also on the shores

Other other

NonSpecified non-specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: