PersonDocumentType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the possible types of documents that can be related to individual persons.


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
TravelDocument travel document

Document that enables the entry and exit from one country to another (e.g. Passport).

NationalID national ID

National identification document.

DriversLicense drivers license

Document proving the right to drive a car.

SeafarersIDDocument seafarers ID document

Special identification document for seafarers (e.g. SeamansBook)

CrewCertificates crew certificates

Certificate of ability to hold a certain post in vessel.

ResidencePermit residence permit

Document proving that a person has right to stay in the country (e.g. MigrationCard, CruiseShipIDCard (passangers))

WorkPermit work permit

Document proving that a person has right to work in the country (e.g.WorkCard, BlueCard)

WorkCertificate work certificate

Document proving the past employment of a person (e.g.EmploymentRecordBook)

HealthCertificate health certificate

Document stating the health status of the person.

BirthCertificate birth certificate

The official birth certificate of a person

DeathCertificate death certificate

The official death certificate of a person

CriminalRecord criminal record

Persons criminal record

Photograph photograph

Photograph of a person.

Other other

Any other document not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Type of the document not specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: