VesselDocumentType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the possible types of electronic material that can be related to individual vessels.


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
InternationalTonnageCertificate international tonnage certificate

An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall be issued to every ship, the gross and net tonnage of which have been determined in accordance with the Convention (Tonnage Convention, article 7).

InternationalLoadLineCertificate international load line certificate

An International Load Line Certificate shall be issued under the provisions of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, to every ship which has been surveyed and marked in accordance with the Convention or the Convention as modified by the 1988 LL Protocol, as appropriate (LL Convention, article 16; 1988 LL Protocol, article 16).

InternationalLoadLineExemptionCertificate international load line exemption certificate

An International Load Line Exemption Certificate shall be issued to any ship to which an exemption has been granted under and in accordance with article 6 of the Load Line Convention or the Convention as modified by the 1988 LL Protocol, as appropriate\n(LL Convention, article 6; 1988 LL Protocol, article 16)

CoatingTechnicalFile coating technical file

A Coating Technical File, containing specifications of the coating system applied to dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards, record of the shipyard's and shipowner's coating work, detailed criteria for coating sections, job specifications, inspection, maintenance and repair, shall be kept on board and maintained throughout the life of the ship\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-1/3-2; Performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers (resolution MSC.215(82)))

ConstructionDrawings construction drawings

A set of as-built construction drawings and other plans showing any subsequent structural alterations shall be kept on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2007\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-1/3-7; MSC/Circ.1135 on As-built construction drawings to be maintained on board the ship and ashore)

ShipConstructionFile ship construction file

A Ship Construction File with specific information should be kept on board oil tankers of 150 m in length and above and bulk carriers of 150 m in length and above, constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, excluding ore carriers and combination carriers:\n.1 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2016;\n.2 in the absence of a building contract, the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2017; or\n.3 the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2020 shall carry a Ship Construction File containing information in accordance with regulations and guidelines,\nand updated as appropriate throughout the ship's life in order to facilitate safe operation, maintenance, survey, repair and emergency measures.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-1/3-10; MSC.1/Circ.1343 on Guidelines for the information to be included in a Ship Construction File)

IntactStabilityBooklet intact stability booklet

Every passenger ship regardless of size and every cargo ship of 24 metres and over shall be inclined on completion and the elements of their stability determined. The master shall be supplied with a Stability Booklet containing such information as is necessary to enable him, by rapid and simple procedures, to obtain accurate guidance as to the stability of the ship under varying conditions of service. For bulk carriers, the information required in a bulk carrier booklet may be contained in the stability booklet.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulations II-1/5 and II-1/5-1; LL Convention; 1988 LL Protocol, regulation 10)

DamageControlPlansAndBooklets damage control plans and booklets

On passenger and cargo ships, there shall be permanently exhibited plans showing clearly for each deck and hold the boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein with the means of closure and position of any controls thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to flooding. Booklets containing the aforementioned information shall be made available to the officers of the ship.

MinimumSafeManningDocument minimum safe manning document

Every ship to which chapter I of the Convention applies shall be provided with an appropriate safe manning document or equivalent issued by the Administration as evidence of the minimum safe manning.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation V/14.2)

FireSafetyTrainingManual fire safety training manual

A training manual shall be written in the working language of the ship and shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. The manual shall contain the instructions and information required in regulation II-2/ Part of such information may be provided in the form of audio-visual aids in lieu of the manual.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-2/15.2.3)

FireControlPlanBooklet fire control plan booklet

General arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance of the ship's officers, showing clearly for each deck the control stations, the various fire sections together with particulars of the fire detection and fire alarm systems and the fire-extinguishing appliances, etc. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Administration, the aforementioned details may be set out in a booklet, a copy of which shall be supplied to each officer, and one copy shall at all times be available on board in an accessible position. Plans and booklets shall be kept up to date; any alterations shall be recorded as soon as practicable. A duplicate set of fire control plans or a booklet containing such plans shall be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shore-side fire-fighting personnel.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulations II-2/15.2.4 and II-2/15.3.2)

OnboardTrainingAndDrillsRecord onboard training and drills record

Fire drills shall be conducted and recorded in accordance with the provisions of regulations III/19.3 and III/19.5.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-2/

FireSafetyOperationalBooklet fire safety operational booklet

The fire safety operational booklet shall contain the necessary information and instructions for the safe operation of the ship and cargo handling operations in relation to fire safety. The booklet shall be written in the working language of the ship and be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. The booklet may be combined with the fire safety training manuals required in regulation II-2/15.2.3.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulation II-2/16.2)

MaintenancePlans maintenance plans

The maintenance plan shall include the necessary information about fire protection systems and fire-fighting systems and appliances as required under regulation II-2/14.2.2. For tankers, additional requirements are referred to in regulation II-2/14.4.\n(SOLAS 1974, regulations II-2/14.2.2 and II-2/14.4)

TrainingManual training manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RecordsOfNavigationalActivities records of navigational activities

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ManoeuvringBooklet manoeuvring booklet

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificatesForMastersOfficersOrRatings certificates for masters officers or ratings

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RecordsOfHoursOfRest records of hours of rest

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalOilPollutionPreventionCertificate international oil pollution prevention certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OilRecordBook oil record book

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipBoardOilPollutionEmergencyPlan ship board oil pollution emergency plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalSewagePollutionPreventionCertificate international sewage pollution prevention certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

GarbageManagementPlan garbage management plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

GarbageRecordBook garbage record book

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

VoyageDataRecorderSystemCertificateOfCompliance voyage data recorder system certificate of compliance

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoSecuringManual cargo securing manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DocumentOfCompliance document of compliance

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SafetyManagementCertificate safety management certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalShipSecurityCertificate international ship security certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InterimInternationalShipSecurityCertificate interim international ship security certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipSecurityPlanAndAssociatedRecords ship security plan and associated records

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ContinuousSynopsisRecord continuous synopsis record

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalAntiFoulingSystemCertificate international anti fouling system certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DeclarationOnAntiFoulingSystem declaration on anti fouling system

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalAirPollutionPreventionCertificate international air pollution prevention certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OzoneDepletingSubstancesRecordBook ozone depleting substances record book

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

FuelOilChangeOverProcedureAndLogbook fuel oil change over procedure and logbook

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ManufacturersOperatingManualForIncinerators manufacturers operating manual for incinerators

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

BunkerDeliveryNoeAndRepresentativeSample bunker delivery noe and representative sample

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

TechnicalFile-MarineDieselEngine technical file- marine diesel engine

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RecordBookOfEngineParameters record book of engine parameters

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ExemptionCertificate exemption certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

LRITConformanceTestReport LRIT conformance test report

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

PassengerShipSafetyCertificate passenger ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SpeciaTradePassengerShipSafetyCertificate specia trade passenger ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SpecialTradePassengerShipSpaceCertificate special trade passenger ship space certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SearchAndRescueCooperationPlan search and rescue cooperation plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ListOfOperationalLimitations list of operational limitations

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DecisionSupportSystemForMasters decision support system for masters

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoShipSafetyConstructionCertificate cargo ship safety construction certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoShipSafetyEquipmentCertificate cargo ship safety equipment certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoShipSafetyRadioCertificate cargo ship safety radio certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoShipSafetyCertificate cargo ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

AuthorizationForTheCarriageOfGrain authorization for the carriage of grain

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfInsuranceForOilPollutionDamage certificate of insurance for oil pollution damage

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfInsuranceForBunkerOilPollutionDamage certificate of insurance for bunker oil pollution damage

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

EnhancedSurveyReportFile enhanced survey report file

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RecordOfOilDischargeMonitoringAndControlSystem record of oil discharge monitoring and control system

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OilDischargeMonitoringAndControlOperationalManual oil discharge monitoring and control operational manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipStructureAccessManual ship structure access manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

BulkCarrierBooklet bulk carrier booklet

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CrudeOilWashingOperationAndEquipmentManual crude oil washing operation and equipment manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ConditionAssessmentSchemeStatementOfCompliance condition assessment scheme statement of compliance

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SubdivisionAndStabilityInformation subdivision and stability information

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

VOCManagementPlan VOC management plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalPollutionPreventionCertificateForNoxiousLiquidSubstances international pollution prevention certificate for noxious liquid substances

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoRecordBook cargo record book

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ProceduresAndArrangementsManual procedures and arrangements manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipBoardMarinePollutionEmergencyPlanForNoxiousLiquidSubstances ship board marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfFitnessForTheCarriageOfDangerousChemicalsInBulk certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalCertificateOfFitnessForTheCarriageOfDangerousChemicalsInBulk international certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfFitnessForTheCarriageOfLiquifiedGasesInBulk certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquified gases in bulk

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalCertificateOfFitnessForTheCarriageOfLiquifiedGasesInBulk international certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquified gases in bulk

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

HighSpeedCraftSafetyCertificate high speed craft safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

PermitToOperateHighSpeedCraft permit to operate high speed craft

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ComplianceWithSpecialRequirementsForShipsCarryingDangerousGoods compliance with special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DangerousGoodsManifest dangerous goods manifest

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DangerousGoodStowagePlan dangerous good stowage plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalCertificateOfFitnessForCarriageOfINFCargo international certificate of fitness for carriage of INF cargo

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

NuclearCargoShipSafetyCertificate nuclear cargo ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

NuclearPassengerShipSafetyCertificate nuclear passenger ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

SpecialPurposeShipSafetyCertificate special purpose ship safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OffShoreSupplyVesselDocumentOfCompliance off shore supply vessel document of compliance

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfFitnessForOffShoreSupportVessels certificate of fitness for off shore support vessels

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DivingSystemSafetyCertificate diving system safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DynamicallySupportedCraftConstructionAndEquipmentCertificate dynamically supported craft construction and equipment certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MobileOffShoreDrillingUnitSafetyCertificate mobile off shore drilling unit safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

WingInGroundCraftSafetyCertificate wing in ground craft safety certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

PermitToOperateWIGCraft permit to operate WIG craft

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

NoiseSurveyReport noise survey report

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MaritimeDeclarationOfHealth maritime declaration of health

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CrewList crew list

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

PassengersList passengers list

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoDeclaration cargo declaration

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipsStoresDeclaration ships stores declaration

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

GeneralDeclaration general declaration

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CrewsEffectsDeclaration crews effects declaration

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

Emergency towing procedures emergency towing procedures

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DeckLogBook deck log book

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OperatingAndMaintenanceManual operating and maintenance manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

AAmaxRatioInformation A amax ratio information

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DocumentionEvaluationOfTheAlternativeDesignAndArrangements documention evaluation of the alternative design and arrangements

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InstructionManualForInertGasSystems instruction manual for inert gas systems

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MusterList muster list

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

EmergencyInstructions emergency instructions

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipSpecificPlansAndProceduresForRecoveryOfPersonsFromTheWater ship specific plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

TrainingManualForLifesavingAppliances training manual for lifesaving appliances

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InstructionsForOnBoardMaintenanceOfLifeSavingAppliances instructions for on board maintenance of life saving appliances

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RadioRecord radio record

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

AISTestReport AIS test report

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalCodeOfSignals international code of signals

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DeviationCurveForMagneticProcess deviation curve for magnetic process

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

NauticalPublications nautical publications

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MaterialSafetyDataSheets material safety data sheets

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CargoHandlingBooklet cargo handling booklet

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipboardEmergencyPlan shipboard emergency plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

HighSpeedCraftOperatingManual high speed craft operating manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RouteOperationalManual route operational manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

TrainingManual training manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MaintenanceAndServicingManual maintenance and servicing manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

TypeRaftingCertificate type rafting certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CopyOfIBCCode copy of IBC code

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CopyOfIGCCode copy of IGC code

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

StatementOfComplianceWithCAS statement of compliance with CAS

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DedicatedCleanBallastTankOperationalManual dedicated clean ballast tank operational manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OperationsAndEquipmentManualForCrudeOilWashingSystems operations and equipment manual for crude oil washing systems

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RecordOfOilDischargeMonitoringAndControlSystemForTheLastBallastVoyage record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

OilDischargeMonitoringAndControlSystemOperationalManual oil discharge monitoring and control system operational manual

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DamageSurvivalCapabilityInformation damage survival capability information

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipToShipOperationsPlans ship to ship operations plans

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ResultOfCalculationOfModerateRateOfDischargeInAccordanceWithMEPC157 result of calculation of moderate rate of discharge in accordance with MEPC157

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

EngineInternationalAirPollutionPreventionCertificate engine international air pollution prevention certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

InternationalEnergyEfficiencyCertificate international energy efficiency certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ListOfEquipmentContainingOzoneDepletingSubstances list of equipment containing ozone depleting substances

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

FuelOilChangeoverProceduresAndLogbook fuel oil changeover procedures and logbook

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipEnergyEfficiencyManagementPlan ship energy efficiency management plan

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

EnergyEfficiencyDesignIndexTechnicalFile energy efficiency design index technical file

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MaritimeLabourCertificate maritime labour certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfComplianceForILO92 certificate of compliance for ILO92

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfComplianceForILO133 certificate of compliance for ILO133

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

MedicalCertificateForILO73 medical certificate for ILO73

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

LoadTestCertificateForILO152 load test certificate for ILO152

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

DeclarationOfMaritimeLabourCompliance declaration of maritime labour compliance

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RegisterBookForILO152 register book for ILO152

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

ShipSanitationControlExemptionCertificate ship sanitation control exemption certificate

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RadioStationLicense radio station license

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

RadioServiceDocument radio service document

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

CertificateOfRegistry certificate of registry

refer to document: IMO FSI 21/18, Report to the Maritime Safety Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee; ANNEX 1, draft FAL.2-MEPC.1-MSC.1 Circular on list of Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board ships

Other other

Any other type of document not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Type of the document not specified


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