CISE Virtual Open Day held on 20 September 2023

More than 90 participants from across Europe, representing maritime authorities, academia, industry and others, joined the 2nd CISE Virtual Open Day organised on 20 September by EMSA. The CISE Virtual Open Day provided a condensed overview about what CISE is, how it works and what it will be used for.

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During the workshop, in a series of thematic sessions the EMSA CISE Team together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) provided an overview of the most important aspects of CISE.

In particular, DG MARE highlighted the importance of CISE in the revised EU Maritime Security Strategy under adoption. In the context of increasing security threats in all maritime sectors, DG MARE underlined that CISE, by facilitating a rapid and secure access to additional information, will help maritime authorities obtain a better situational awareness and hence take better and quicker decisions. DG MARE also informed about the Commission’s financial support to Member States for the implementation of CISE via the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)s.

The participants could learn what the potential use of CISE in maritime operations is, and how, through enhanced information sharing, it can help to tackle different maritime security threats. EMSA informed that currently maritime authorities from specific sea basins are working together to start exchanging information through CISE to address these threats more effectively. EMSA also explained how key principles of CISE are reflected in its architecture which was designed to connect all the existing systems of maritime authorities from all maritime sectors, and to ensure decentralised and secure information sharing. Further, the CISE network status was presented, showing which stakeholders have already connected their systems to the CISE network and how maritime authorities cooperate through the CISE Stakeholders Group and different thematic Working Groups.

Finally, the participants interested in getting more in-depth understanding of CISE and how to join the CISE network were invited to follow the basic interactive module on CISE [LINK]. Other useful informational materials available at the CISE webpage were presented:

The presentations from the workshop are available in the Meeting and workshops section.

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