Service Contracts for Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) – Northern Baltic Sea

Through this procurement procedure in two phases, the Agency intends to conclude one framework contract for the provision of storage, maintenance and 24/7 mobilization services of oil pollution response assets.

The arrangement shall be located within the Northern Baltic Sea, on the coastline of an EU Member State within the area defined on the North by a line running from Gävle (Sweden) to Rauma (Finland) and on the South by a line joining Norrköpping (Sweden) to Liepāja (Latvia).

The overall objective of the EMSA’s Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) is the mobilisation and delivery on site upon demand and at short notice of oil pollution response assets, more particularly the availability on-site of specialised oil spill response equipment in order to respond to oil spills in the European regional sea basins.

The assets that will be utilised in the context of the service are provided to the EAS Contractor by EMSA and their purchase is not part of the Contract resulting from this procurement procedure. Ownership will remain with EMSA while their possession and care will be transferred to the Contractor. 

The Contract can be concluded with public or private companies/consortia drawn from any relevant industry including but not limited to spill response service providers, offshore and salvage services providers, equipment manufacturers, freight forwarders as well as any other relevant service providers.

The relevant Contract Notice for this procedure (reference: 2021/S 247-651786) as published in the Official Journal of the European Union can be found in the following link: 

CORRIGENDUM: Portugal-Lisbon: Equipment Assistance Service – Northern Baltic Sea

Services - 651786-2021 - TED Tenders Electronic Daily (europa.eu)