
Provision of ship and company data for the Equasis database - opening Committee changed -

Please be informed that the opening committee meeting for the call for tender EMSA/OP/01/2017, originally set to 25/05/2017 (10:00 Lisbon time) at EMSA premises, is hereby moved to 29/05/2017 (10:00 Lisbon time) at EMSA premises.

Please note that in the first paragraph of point 5 of the Invitation to Tender, shall be amended accordingly and the amended version shall read:

‘The bids will be opened at 10 AM (Lisbon time) on 29th May 2017, in the offices of the Eurpean Maritime Safety, Praça Europa 4, 1249-206 Lisboa, Portugal.’

Please note the second paragraph of point 5 of the invitation to tender remains unchanged.

The above change will be reflected in a corrigendum published in the OJ.


Please be informed that the opening committee meeting for the call for tender EMSA/OP/01/2017, originally set to 25/05/2017 (10:00 Lisbon time) at EMSA premises, is hereby moved to 29/05/2017 (10:00 Lisbon time) at EMSA premises .

Please note that in the first paragraph of point 5 of the Invitation to Tender, shall be amended accordingly and the amended version shall read:

‘The bids will be opened at 10 AM (Lisbon time) on 29th May 2017, in the offices of the Eurpean Maritime Safety, Praça Europa 4, 1249-206 Lisboa, Portugal.’

Please note the second paragraph of point 5 of the invitation to tender remains unchanged.

The above change will be reflected in a corrigendum published in the OJ.