Period 2015 - Today
Calls for Tenders [archived]
Description | Published | Deadline | |
EMSA/NEG/21/2019 | HACCP audit services |
20.05.2019 | 14.06.2019 |
EMSA/OP/9/2019 | Provision of Training Services for ICT End User Applications
15.05.2019 | 14.06.2019 |
EMSA/CPNEG/2/2019 | Service Contract for Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) Baltic Sea (Lot 1) and North Sea (Lot 2) |
19.04.2019 | 23.05.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/20/2019 | E-Learning Module on Maritime English for ENP Countries -deadline extended |
11.04.2019 | 31.05.2019 |
EMSA/CPNEG/1/2019 | Service Contracts for Stand-by Oil Spill Recovery Vessels |
05.04.2019 | 02.05.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/17/2019 | Purchase and maintenance of parasols |
22.03.2019 | 04.04.2019 |
EMSA/OP/3/2019 | Legal Services for the Transitional Phase of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) Project |
12.03.2019 | 30.04.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/10/2019 | Provision of training services for EMSA staff in the field of Quality Audit Management |
12.03.2019 | 01.04.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/19/2019 | Provision of Maintenance Services for Central Fire Detection System and Public Address System |
04.03.2019 | 08.04.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/16/2019 | Provision of trainings, drills and consultancy services in the safety domain |
01.03.2019 | 22.03.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/6/2019 | Provision of new city model bicycles and related maintenance services |
01.03.2019 | 21.03.2019 |
EMSA/OP/5/2019 | Conduction of a European-wide “Stress-test” of the Regional Capacities and Mechanisms to Respond to a Major Oil Spill |
27.02.2019 | 31.03.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/12/2019 | Brokerage services and insurance cover for oil pollution response equipment stored in The Netherlands -CANCELLED- |
27.02.2019 | 11.03.2019 |
EMSA/OP/1/2019 | Development of a Virtual Reality Environment for Ships Inspections |
14.02.2019 | 16.03.2019 |
EMSA/OP/4/2019 | Study of the Risks and Regulatory Issues of Specific Cases of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (SAFEMASS) |
11.02.2019 | 29.03.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/3/2019 | Provision of Publications and Subscriptions |
08.02.2019 | 17.02.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/2/2019 | Provision of Oil pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) Level 1 (First responders – Operational) and Level 2 (Supervisor and On-Scene Commanders – Tactical) training courses for ENP and Enlargement partner Countries |
30.01.2019 | 28.02.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/19/2018 | E-Learning Module on Maritime English for ENP Countries |
21.12.2018 | 16.01.2019 |
EMSA/NEG/25/2018 | Provision of trainings, drills and consultancy service in safety domain |
30.11.2018 | 17.12.2018 |
EMSA/NEG/22/2018 | Study on chat / collaborative tool for Integrated Maritime Services (IMS) - deadline extended |
06.11.2018 | 21.11.2018 |
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