Press Area
EMSA maintains a service for journalists and members of the media seeking information about the Agency, its work, and its remit. If you are a journalist, you can get in touch with a press officer by emailing press (at)
If you are a member of the public and you have a question for us, you can use our contact form. If you are seeking public access to documents under the provisions of Regulation 1049/2001, you can use our access to documents form to make a request.
See below for our latest press releases:
Facilitating Short Sea Shipping: customs authorities informed of ships movements by Blue Belt pilot project
Can a customs authority be certain that a ship declaring intra-EU goods has only visited EU ports? This is now possible for the 250 vessels voluntarily participating in the Blue Belt pilot project. ...
Published06.05.2011CategoriesTags -
Press Release: EMSA strengthens its network of oil spill recovery vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has signed a contract to provide pollution response capacity using the Limassol, Cyprus-based tanker Alexandria. The newly-contracted vessel considerably ...
A New Inspection Regime for PSC in all Paris MoU countries
Media Fact Sheet 02/2010. As part of its communication programme for 2010, EMSA has prepared this information article about the New Inspection Regime for port State control in the Paris MoU region. ...
Press Release: Three EU agencies sign a cooperation agreement in Maritime Surveillance
Today, in the context of the EU Maritime Day event in Gijón, Spain, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) launches its Maritime Accident Review 2009. The review, which looks at shipping in and ...
Published20.05.2010Categories -
Press Release: EMSA Launches New, Map-based Shipping Surveillance System
From 10th March, EU Member States will have access to a new, userfriendly web service for tracking shipping in European waters. For the first time, EMSA's new SafeSeaNet tracking module — called ...
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