Newsletter March 2018
In this issue: Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc addresses all EMSA staff; European Marine Casualty Information Platform revamped; Maritime Security Advisory Group and Committee meetings held in ...
Published08.03.2018Categories -
EU agencies take a stand against harrassment
Published08.03.2018Categories -
EMSA Outlook 2018
EMSA’s Outlook 2018 contains the concrete action and steps the Agency plans to take in 2018 to deliver on its multi-annual strategic objectives. It represents a condensed version of the Single ...
Published28.02.2018Categories -
Newsletter February 2018
In this issue: EMSA publishes guidance document on LNG bunkering for ports; Workshop offers Agency support to Member States as Flag States; EMSA on mission to Lebanon; Joint French-Portuguese ...
Published07.02.2018Categories -
Guidance on LNG Bunkering to Port Authorities and Administrations
The guidance was prepared in close cooperation with the European Commission (DG MOVE), member states and industry within the context of the European Sustainable Shipping Forum. It aims to support ...
Published06.02.2018CategoriesTags -
Automatic Detection and Alert Triggering of Ship Behaviour [leaflet]
The MAR-CIS information sheets provide in a concise way substance-specific and maritime relevant information on chemicals aimingto assist the competent authorities during the initial stage of the ...
Published02.02.2018Categories -
Single Programming Document 2018-2020
The EMSA Single Programming Document 2018-2020 was adopted by the Administrative Board at the end of 2017. It constitutes the Agency’s roadmap for the year to come, laying out the specific actions ...
Published17.01.2018Categories -
Newsletter January 2018
In this issue: EMSA’s remotely piloted aircraft systems service starts in Portugal supporting multipurpose maritime surveillance operations; Study sheds light on two hazardous substances for safer ...
Published11.01.2018Categories -
Pilot Project - 'Creation of a European Coastguard Function'
Published22.12.2017Categories -
Publication of a vacancy for the Executive Director of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
The European Commission is looking for a candidate to fill the Executive Director's post at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). EMSA is one of the European Union's regulatory agencies and is ...
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