CISE Stakeholders Group kicks off the Operational Phase of CISE

On 18-19 June, Member States’ maritime authorities and EU bodies implementing CISE gathered at EMSA premises in Lisbon and online for the 15th CISE Stakeholders Group (CSG) meeting. The main topics discussed concerned the set-up and objectives of the CISE Operational Phase officially starting on 1 July 2024.

CISE group

In the introductory remarks, it was emphasized that the start of the operational phase of CISE is based on a strong community of stakeholders and on solid building blocks established during the transitional phase of CISE. It was highlighted that CISE contributes to the better preparedness and responsiveness of different maritime actors facing increasing maritime threats, and can also bring added value to safe, sustainable, and secure maritime transport and shipping.

The use of CISE in operations and for the exchange of classified information (up to EU-Restricted) was pointed out during the meeting as the primary goal at the start of the Operational Phase. On that note, the stakeholders shared the latest updates from their operational activities involving CISE. These included the CISE-ALERT trials taking place from July to September which test the exchange of real data through CISE among civil and military authorities. In addition, CISE was tested by the Spanish Navy and the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) in an IUU fishing scenario during the MARSEC exercise organised in May this year.

Relating to the CISE Classified Network, EMSA outlined the main following steps for its establishing by the end of 2026, and invited interested stakeholders to participate in the working group dedicated to this process. Last but not least, the European Defence Agency informed about significant progress made in the connection of the CISE and MARSUR networks, and announced that technical tests will start from October 2024.

During the meeting, the European Commission’s DG MARE commented that the new phase should further raise awareness and promote CISE, and bring in more Member States and relevant maritime authorities. In line with this, the European Commission announced a CISE high-level event to be held on 17 October in Brussels to take stock of the results achieved so far and to exchange views on the future perspectives of CISE, in view of the growing challenges in the maritime domain.

Among other important developments of the 15th CSG meeting in view of the Operational Phase, the members endorsed a new structure of the CISE Catalogue which will provide a more comprehensive picture of the network state of play and of the information exchanged within. Furthermore, a key tool providing the conditions of use of the data shared in the network – the CISE Cooperation Agreement – was revised, and the updated version was endorsed by the CSG.

Finally, the CSG bid farewell to the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) which has played a crucial role in ensuring continuous scientific support to the MS authorities in implementing CISE from its inception until today. JRC informed that the technical support activities will be handed over to EMSA in the Operational Phase. On behalf of the entire CISE community, we would like to thank JRC for the outstanding support provided over the years!

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