Model Element | Type |
Cargo | Class |
CargoType | Enumeration |
CargoUnit | Class |
Catch | Class |
CommunityStatusType | Enumeration |
ContainmentUnit | Class |
DangerousSubstancesType | Enumeration |
PackageType | Enumeration |
PackagingMaterialType | Enumeration |
PackingGroupCodeType | Enumeration |
PollutionCodeType | Enumeration |
SpeciesType | Enumeration |
UNDGType | Enumeration |
UnitsOfMeasureType | Enumeration |
WeightMeansType | Enumeration |
A Cargo refers to a set of goods transported by a ship between two ports.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
CargoType | CargoType | This enumeration is used to described the type of cargo associated with the entity |
4 (Palletized) |
Colour | ColourType | Colour information about the object |
Red |
ExternalMarkings | String | External markings of the object |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the object. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
Metadata | Metadata | Metadata related to the object |
Name | String | Name of the object |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
ContainedCargoUnit | CargoUnit | Each cargo might have many cargo items, depending on the number of different goods. |
0..* |
Document | Document | One or many Objects can be described by one or many Documents |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple objects (crafts, cargo) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInObject). Passenger have special relationship to craft via Boolean type attribute TransitPassanger which carries information about the status of the passenger (Transit passenger or not). Crew has also a special relationship to craft which is described by attribute Duty which carries information about the responsibilities and position of the person in the vessel. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentObject. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedEvent | Event | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedRisk | Risk | One or many Objects may be related one or many Risks. The relationship is bidirectional |
0..* |
Location | Location | One or many Objects (vehicles, cargo packages) can be located to a location in many different roles. This association is described by a class which enables the addition of useful information. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Name | Description | OCL constraint |
At least one CargoUnit | There must be at least one CargoUnit or, alternatively, one type of Catch to have a Cargo. |
CargoUnit is an entity which holds information about units of goods when transported by ships. The subclasses of CargoUnit can represent either the whole cargo in a vehicle or a part of it.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Colour | ColourType | Colour information about the object |
Red |
ExternalMarkings | String | External markings of the object |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the object. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
Metadata | Metadata | Metadata related to the object |
Name | String | Name of the object |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | One or many Objects can be described by one or many Documents |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple objects (crafts, cargo) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInObject). Passenger have special relationship to craft via Boolean type attribute TransitPassanger which carries information about the status of the passenger (Transit passenger or not). Crew has also a special relationship to craft which is described by attribute Duty which carries information about the responsibilities and position of the person in the vessel. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentObject. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedEvent | Event | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedRisk | Risk | One or many Objects may be related one or many Risks. The relationship is bidirectional |
0..* |
Location | Location | One or many Objects (vehicles, cargo packages) can be located to a location in many different roles. This association is described by a class which enables the addition of useful information. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
A Catch refers to a set of distinct species catch in the see/ocean by a fishing vessel. Catch has the same associations and relationships than its parent-class Object. Thus it can have relationship with Document, Risk, Event, Location, and Agent.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
CatchWeight | double | Depending on context this item to be either 1. Total weight of fish (in kilograms) in catch period 2. Total weight of fish (in kilograms) on board (aggregate) or 3. Total weight of fish (in kilograms) landed 4. Total weight of fish discarded or used as a live bait |
Colour | ColourType | Colour information about the object |
Red |
ExternalMarkings | String | External markings of the object |
FishNumber | int | Number of fish (when catch have to be registered in numbers of fish i.e. salmon, tuna) |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the object. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
Metadata | Metadata | Metadata related to the object |
Name | String | Name of the object |
NetHeld | double | Estimate of number of live fish held in nets i.e. not in hold |
QuantityHeld | double | Estimate of quantity of live fish held in nets i.e. not in hold |
SizeDeclaration | double | ERS/SizeDeclaration |
Species | String | This attribute specifies the species that were in the catch using a three-letter code, according to "the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 of 8 April 2011 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy". |
"YFT" for the "Yellowfin tuna" |
TotalNumber | int | see ERS::TotalNumber |
TotalWeight | double | see ERS::TotalWeight |
WeightMeans | WeightMeansType | Means of weight measuring |
EST (estimation) |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | One or many Objects can be described by one or many Documents |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple objects (crafts, cargo) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInObject). Passenger have special relationship to craft via Boolean type attribute TransitPassanger which carries information about the status of the passenger (Transit passenger or not). Crew has also a special relationship to craft which is described by attribute Duty which carries information about the responsibilities and position of the person in the vessel. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentObject. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedEvent | Event | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedRisk | Risk | One or many Objects may be related one or many Risks. The relationship is bidirectional |
0..* |
Location | Location | One or many Objects (vehicles, cargo packages) can be located to a location in many different roles. This association is described by a class which enables the addition of useful information. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Containment unit is an entity which holds information about units of goods when transported by ships contained in containers or bulk.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Colour | ColourType | Colour information about the object |
Red |
CommunityStatusOfGoods | CommunityStatusType | This enumeration reflects the different customs status of cargo units on board a ship |
C (community goods) |
ContainerMarksAndNumber | String | Marks and number of the containers, this shall be the identification code as defined in ISO 6346 |
CSQU3054383 |
DangerousSubstancesCode | DangerousSubstancesType | This enumeration defines the general categories of Hazardous cargo, according to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code |
class2.2 (toxic gases) |
ExternalMarkings | String | External markings of the object |
FlashPoint | double | Flash point in degrees centigrade. The temperature in degrees Celsius at which a liquid will give off enough flammable vapour to be ignited. according IMDG Code DG Class 3 |
GrossQuantity | double | Gross quantity of the cargo unit (includes package) |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the object. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
LocationOnBoardContainer | String | Location of container on board. Represented with one upper case letter (type of location code), a colon (:) and the location code (numerical or other depending of the type of cargo). See representation of CargoLocationType in ISO 28005 |
C:010212 |
LocationOnBoardGoods | String | Location of goods on board |
Metadata | Metadata | Metadata related to the object |
Name | String | Name of the object |
NetQuantity | double | Net quantity of the cargo unit (excludes package) |
OtherMarksAndNumber | String | Marks and number of the cargo item if not covered by ISO 6346 |
PackageType | PackageType | This enumeration is used to described the type of package used to carry the cargo unit |
2 (rigid box type prismatic) |
PackagingMaterial | PackagingMaterialType | This enumeration is used to described the type of material of the package used to carry the cargo unit |
5 (metal) |
PackingGroupCode | PackingGroupCodeType | This enumeration defines the danger code, according to the level of danger |
I (Great danger) |
PollutionCode | PollutionCodeType | This enumeration defines the pollution code, according to the MARPOL |
X ( Noxious Liquid Substances) |
UNDG | String | Attribute describing the content of the ContainmentUnit with a four-letter code conformant to the Enumeration for the United Nations Dangerous Goods. |
UnitsOfMeasure | UnitsOfMeasureType | This enumeration defines the units of measurement for both GrossQuantity and NetQuantity |
KGM (Kilogram) |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | One or many Objects can be described by one or many Documents |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple objects (crafts, cargo) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInObject). Passenger have special relationship to craft via Boolean type attribute TransitPassanger which carries information about the status of the passenger (Transit passenger or not). Crew has also a special relationship to craft which is described by attribute Duty which carries information about the responsibilities and position of the person in the vessel. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentObject. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedEvent | Event | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedRisk | Risk | One or many Objects may be related one or many Risks. The relationship is bidirectional |
0..* |
Location | Location | One or many Objects (vehicles, cargo packages) can be located to a location in many different roles. This association is described by a class which enables the addition of useful information. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |