Model Element | Type |
AgentEvent | Class |
AgentRoleInEventType | Enumeration |
Event | Class |
EventAreaType | Enumeration |
EventEvent | Class |
EventLocation | Class |
EventRoleInEventType | Enumeration |
LocationRoleInEventType | Enumeration |
NatureType | Enumeration |
ObjectEvent | Class |
ObjectRoleInEventType | Enumeration |
The Event is one of the core entities of the overall data model of the information sharing environment. It is an entity which holds information about movements, anomalies, incidents or actions which occur in the maritime domain. Event can have relationships with other events, objects, agents, documents, periods and locations. Event can also be related to risks in different roles. Event is an abstract entity which has four sub-entities: Movement, Anomaly, Incident and Action.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
This class allows the association between Agent (or one of its sub-classes: person, organization) and Event (or one of its sub-classes: movement, incident, anomaly, action). It is not mandatory to associate an Agent with an Event but one Agent can be associated to multiple different Events. The association further describes the role of the Agent in the Event.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
AgentRole | AgentRoleInEventType | Enumerated. Describes the role of Agent in the Event |
the coordinator of planned action: 01 |
InvolvementPeriod | Period | The Period of Involvement |
Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
EventRole | EventRoleInEventType | Enumerated. Describes the relationship between two Events |
an event causes another event : 01 |
InvolvementPeriod | Period | The Period of Involvement |
This class allows the association between Location and Event (or one of its sub-classes: Movement, Anomaly, Incident and Action). It is not mandatory to associate a Location with an Event but one Location can be associated to multiple different Events. The association further describes the role of the Location in relation to the Event.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
DateTime | Period | The date and time at which the Location starts to be associated to the Event. |
for 9am UTC on May 30th, 2002 2002-05-30T09:00:00Z |
EventArea | EventAreaType |
Combat-related area: 02 |
LocationRole | LocationRoleInEventType | Enumerated. Describes the relationship between the Event and the Location. |
The Location is the start place of the event: 01 |
SourceType | SourceType |
This class allows the association between Object (or one of its sub-classes: vehicle, cargo) and Event (or one of its sub-classes: Movement, Anomaly, Incident, Action). It is not mandatory to associate an Object with an Event but one Object can be associated to multiple different Events. The association further describes the role of the Object in relation to the Event.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
InvolvementPeriod | Period | The Period of Involvement |
ObjectRole | ObjectRoleInEventType | Enumerated. Describes the relationship between the Event and the Object. |
The object is the coordinator of the event: 01 |