DangerousSubstancesType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the general categories of Hazardous cargo, according to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code. For additional information about IBC, IGC and INF (IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container, IGC - International Gas Carrier and INF - Irradiated Nuclear Fuel) contact the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Source: IMO IMDG

Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
Class1Explosives class 1 explosives

Should be stored away from the crew’s quarters and the ship’s boats and immediately under the hold’s hatches

Class21FlammableGases class 2.1 flammable gases

Should be stored away from crew’s quarters and any source of heat.

Class22ToxicGases class 2.2 toxic gases

Should be stored away from any source of heat, the crew’s quarters and foodstuffs.

Class23NonFlammableCompressedGases class 2.3 non-flammable compressed gases

Store on or under the deck in a cool, well-ventilated place. Containers filled with this kind of gas will expand if heated and there is a high risk of an explosion.

Class31Petrol class 3.1 petrol

Combustion at less than 18ºC. Should always be stored above the deck.

Class32FuelOil class 3.2 fuel oil

Combustion at between 18ºC and 23ºC. Should be stored above or below the deck.

Class33FuelOil class 3.3 fuel oil

Combustion at between 23ºC and 61ºC. Should be stored below the deck.

Class41FlammableSolid class 4.1 flammable solid

Should be stored on top or below the deck. Should be kept away from living quarters.

Class42SpontaneouslyCombustible class 4.2 spontaneously combustible

Should be stored in well ventilated areas and air should be able to circulate between the stored materials.

Class43DangerousWhenWet class 4.3 dangerous when wet

Solids which are inflammable when wet or when in contact with water. Should be stored in well ventilated, dry areas and always away from any contact with water.

Class51OxidizingAgent class 5.1 oxidizing agent

The substances in this category can create an inflammable environment when brought into contact with oxygen. For this reason they should not be stored next to combustible materials.

Class52OrganixPeroxide class 5.2 organix peroxide

The substances in this class can be inflammable or explosive. They should be stored above deck, covered and in a dry, cool areas.

Class61ToxicSubstances class 6.1 toxic substances

Toxic substances are those which can enter the human body through the mouth and cause death. For this reasons they should be stored away from foodstuffs, drinks, living quarters and materials which increase humidity, such as tobacco.

Class62InfectiousBiologicalSubstances class 6.2 infectious biological substances

These substances contain microbes which can cause illness. They should be stored away from foodstuffs, drinks and living quarters. In case of danger the nearest health authority should be notified.

Class7RadioactiveMaterials class 7 radioactive materials

Radioactive Materials - These materials should be transported in specially sealed containers. The seals must always be completely undamaged. They should preferably be stored above deck and away from living quarters, foodstuffs, unprocessed films, pharmaceuticals and chemical substances. They are divided into three groups according to their level of radioactivity.

Class8Corrosives class 8 corrosives

The substances in this class are solids or liquids possessing, in their original state, the common property of being able, more or less severely to damage living tissue. The escape of such a substance from its packaging may also cause damage to other cargo or the ship.

Class9MiscellaneousDangerousSubstances class 9 miscellaneous dangerous substances

Substances and articles not covered by other classes which experience has shown, or may show, to be of such a dangerous character that the provisions of SOLAS should apply. These include substances that are transported or offered for transport at temperatures equal to or exceeding 1000 C and in a liquid state, and solids that are transported at temperatures equal or exceeding 2400 C;

MHBMaterialsHazardousOnlyInBulk MHB materials hazardous only in bulk

MHB (materials hazardous only in bulk) cargoes are materials which possess chemical hazards when transported in bulk that do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the IMDG classes. They are Combustible solids, Self-heating solids, Solids that evolve into flammable gas when wet, Solids that evolve toxic gas when wet, Toxic solids, Corrosive solids. See also IMSBC code.

Other other

Any other dangerous substance type not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Type not specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: