PackagingMaterialType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the possible types of packaging material used in CargoUnits.

Source: UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I

Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
None none


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Plastics plastics


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
PaperAndFibreboard paper and fibreboard

paper and fibreboard

UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Wood wood


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
ForFutureUse for future use

for future use

UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Metal metal


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
GlassPorcelainCeramicStoneware glass porcelain ceramic stoneware

glass porcelain ceramic stoneware

UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Textile textile


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Reserved reserved


UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
UnknownOrNotOtherwiseEnumerated unknown or not otherwise enumerated

unknown or not otherwise enumerated

UNECE Recommendation 21 - annex I
Other other

Any other package material not mentioned above.

NonSpecified non-specified

Material type not specified.


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: