Person CISE Core Vocabulary Specification

Table of Contents

Model Element Type

UML Conceptual Model

Elements defined in the Core Vocabulary

Person Class, subclass of Agent 

The Person Class is a sub class of the more general 'Agent' class that encompasses organizations, legal entities, groups etc. - any entity that is able to carry out actions. The data type properties of the Person class do not have any cardinality restrictions and as such all are optional. However, guidance is provided for the usage of each property in the following sections.

Attributes for Person

UML Name Data type Description Example
AlternativeName String

Any name by which an individual is known other than their full name. Many individuals use a short form of their name, a 'middle' name as a 'first' name or a professional name. For example, the British politician and former UN High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon, is usually referred to simply as 'Paddy Ashdown' or 'Lord Ashdown'.

Lord Ashdown

BirthDate XSD::Date

A date that specifies the birth date of a person. Format yyyy-mm-dd


BirthName String

All data associated with an individual are subject to change. Names can change for a variety of reasons, either formally or informally, and new information may come to light that means that a correction or clarification can be made to an existing record. Birth names tend to be persistent however and for this reason they are recorded by some public sector information systems. There is no granularity for birth name - the full name should be recorded in a single field.


ContactInformation String

vCard [IETF RFC6350] is a data format for representing and exchanging information about individuals and other entities. It is a text-based format (as opposed to a binary format). xCard [IETF RFC6351] is an XML representation for vCard. All available attributes are described in the vCard document [IETF RFC6350] and listed bellow:

• General Properties (BEGIN, END, SOURCE, KIND, XML)

• Identification Properties (FN, N, NICKNAME, PHOTO, BDAY, ANNIVERSARY, GENDER)

• Delivery Addressing Properties (ADR)

• Communications Properties (TEL, EMAIL, IMPP, LANG)

• Geographical Properties (TZ, GEO)

• Organizational Properties (TITLE, ROLE, LOGO, ORG, MEMBER, RELATED)


• Security Properties (KEY)

• Calendar Properties (FBURL, CALADRURI, CALURI)

Name of a person called Mr John Brown, M.Sc.:

<fn><text>Mr John Brown, M.Sc.</text></fn>








more examples found in: [IETF RFC6351]

DateOfDeath XSD::DateTime

A date that specifies the death date of a person. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss


FamilyName String

A family name is usually shared by members of a family. This attribute also carries prefixes or suffixes which are part of the Family Name, e.g. “de Boer”, “van de Putte”, “von und zuOrlow”. Multiple family names, such as are commonly found in Hispanic countries, are recorded in the single Family Name field so that, for example, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's Family Name would be recorded as "de Cervantes Saavedra".

de Cervantes Saavedra

FullName String

Complete name of a person. The Full Name is the most reliable label for an individual and as such its use is strongly encouraged, irrespective of whether that name is broken down using the more granular elements. A name usually sticks with a person for a long time period. In some European countries a name may only be changed according to certain laws and life events, e.g. marriage. The name denominates a natural person even if he/she changes their address. Documents like birth certificate or diploma usually don’t carry an address but always the name. Thus the name is one of the core attributes. However it is not sufficient to identify a person since there are combinations of very common names like Smith in the UK, Meier in Germany, or Li in China.

George Smith

Gender GenderType

The gender of an individual. Eurostat SCL - Sex [SCLS] possible values: Female/Male/Other/Unknown/Not applicable.


GivenName String

A given name, or multiple given names, are the denominator(s) that identify an individual within a family. These are given to a person by his or her parents at birth or may be legally recognised as 'given names' through a formal process. All given names are ordered in one field so that, for example, the Given Name for Johan Sebastian Bach is 'Johan Sebastian.'

Johan Sebastian

Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the agent.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


IsOfInterest boolean

Attribute is flagging an interest to follow more closely any activities related to the Agent. Value of the attribute can be either true or false (true = 1 and false = 0)


IsSuspect boolean

Attribute is flagging a possible suspicion of illegal activities related to the Agent. Value of the attribute can be either true or false (true = 1 and false = 0)

There is some suspect related to the agent:


Metadata Metadata

see: Core Vocabulary Specification for "Metadata"


Nationality String

Three-letter country codes to represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest

Portugal: PT

PatronymicName String

Patronymic names are important in some countries. Iceland does not have a concept of 'family name' in the way that many other European countries do, for example. Erik Magnusson and Erika Magnusdottir are siblings, both offspring of Magnus, irrespective of his patronymic name. In Bulgaria and Russia, patronymic names are in every day usage, for example, the Sergeyevich in 'Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev'. Patronymic names refer to a father's given name, not the family name inherited from the mother and father as is the case in countries such as Spain and Portugal. Again referring to the example of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's, the patronymic name element would be unused.


PersonIdentifiers PersonIdentifier



Association Roles for Person

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Document Document

Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple documents.

InvolvedEvent Event

Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent.

0..* (allow duplicates)
InvolvedObject Object

Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple objects (crafts, cargo) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInObject). Passenger have special relationship to craft via Boolean type attribute TransitPassanger which carries information about the status of the passenger (Transit passenger or not). Crew has also a special relationship to craft which is described by attribute Duty which carries information about the responsibilities and position of the person in the vessel.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentObject.

0..* (allow duplicates)
InvolvedRisk Risk

Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple risks in different roles.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentRisk.

0..* (allow duplicates)
InvolvedWith Agent

Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple agents (persons, organizations) in different roles. The length of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInAgent).

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentAgent.

0..* (allow duplicates)
Location Location

Agents (persons, organizations) can be associated to zero to multiple location in different roles. The lenght of the association can vary which is described by association involvedDuring with class Period (described later in connection with class AgentInvolvementInLocation).

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentLocation.

0..* (allow duplicates)

PersonIdentifier Datatype

The PersonIdentifier class allows the identification of the Person by means of a document of given type and related id number, according to the different countries policy.

Attributes for PersonIdentifier

UML Name Data type Description Example
IdentifierType PersonIdentificationType

Type of document identifying the Person


IdentifierValue String

Identification number of document