Model Element | Type |
CertaintyType | Enumeration |
CrisisIncident | Class |
CrisisIncidentType | Enumeration |
Incident | Class |
IrregularMigrationIncident | Class |
IrregularMigrationIncidentType | Enumeration |
LawInfringementIncident | Class |
LawInfringementIncidentType | Enumeration |
MaritimeSafetyIncident | Class |
MaritimeSafetyIncidentType | Enumeration |
PollutionIncident | Class |
PollutionType | Enumeration |
ResponseType | Enumeration |
SeverityType | Enumeration |
UrgencyType | Enumeration |
The CrisisIncident class is a sub-class of Incident and is used to determine types of incidents related to crisis situations as defined by the EUROSUR project.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
CrisisIncidentType | CrisisIncidentType | The type of crisis incident |
Natural disaster - Lightning strike: 10 |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
The class Incident is a sub-class of the abstract class Event. An incident refers to a particular happening, sometimes criminal but always noteworthy. Incident can have the same associations and relationships than the parent-class Event. Thus it can have relationship with other agents, objects, documents and locations or it can be related to risks. An incident can also be associated with other(s) incident(s) (an incident can cause others for example). Incident has four sub-classes: MaritimeSafetyIncident, IrregularMigrationIncident, LawInfringementIncident and CrisisIncident.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
The IrregularMigrationIncident class is a sub-class of Incident and is used to determine types of incidents related to irregular migration as defined by the EUROSUR project.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
IrregularMigrationIncidentType | IrregularMigrationIncidentType | The type of irregular migration incident |
Irregular entry attempt: 03 |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
The LawInfringementIncident class is a sub-class of Incident and is used to determine types of incidents related to law infringement as defined by the EUROSUR project.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
LawInfringementIncidentType | LawInfringementIncidentType | The type of law infringement incident |
Human trafficking - Servitude: 05 |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
The MaritimeSafetyIncident class is a sub-class of Incident and is used to determine types of incidents related to maritime safety as defined by the SafeSeaNet project.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
MaritimeSafetyIncidentType | MaritimeSafetyIncidentType | The type of maritime safety incident. |
pollution incident: 01 |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
The PollutionIncident is a type of Maritime Safety Incident and is used to exchange specific information about pollution. The position and extend of the pollution can be described by the entity Location.
UML Name | Data type | Description | Example |
AreaCoverPercentage | String | Observer's assessment of the percentage of the boxed dimensioned area (length x width), covered with pollution. In percentage. (The polluted area can be described by the entity Location.) |
20 |
Certainty | CertaintyType | The code denoting the certainty of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
observed: 01 |
Characteristics | String | Gives type of pollution (e.g. type of oil with viscosity and pour point, packaged or bulk chemical, sewage). For chemicals, the proper name or United Nations number, if known, should be given. Appearance, e.g. liquid, floating solid, liquid oil, semi-liquid sludge, tarry lumps, weathered oil, discolouration of sea, visible vapour should also be given as well as any markings on drums, containers. |
Venezuela crude. Viscosity 3.780 Cs at 37.8°C. Rather viscous |
DeathsOnBoard | int | The number of deaths on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
DiseasesOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of diseases on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
DriftCourse | int | Indicates drift course in degrees. |
138 |
DriftSpeed | double | Indicates drift speed of pollution knots. In cases of air pollution (gas cloud), drift speed should be indicated in m/sec - |
0.1 |
Identifier | UniqueIdentifier | Identifier of the event. Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared. |
InfectionOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of infection on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
False |
Instructions | String | The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message |
Free text describing instructions. |
MaritimeSafetyIncidentType | MaritimeSafetyIncidentType | The type of maritime safety incident. |
pollution incident: 01 |
Metadata | Metadata | see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata" |
NatureType | NatureType | Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated. |
for an observed event: 01 |
NumberOfIIllPersons | int | The number of ill persons on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
0 |
OccurrencePeriod | Period | An Event occurs during a period of time. |
PollutionType | PollutionType | The pollution type observed. |
Quantity | double | Maximum quantity of oil pollution in cubic metres. |
51.4 |
ResponseType | ResponseType | The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience |
shelter: 01 |
ResponseUrgency | UrgencyType | The code denoting the urgency of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
response expected: 02 |
Severity | SeverityType | The code denoting the severity of the incident as described by the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (OASIS-CAP) |
Severe: 0 |
SickAnimalOnBoard | boolean | Indicates the presence of sick animals on board as defined by the draft NSW datasets. |
True |
UML Name | Data type | Description | Multiplicity |
Document | Document | Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents. |
0..* |
ImpliedRisk | Risk | This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions. For example: - mitigation actions can be associated with a risk, - one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident. - a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example) |
0..* |
InvolvedAgent | Agent | Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedObject | Object | Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects. The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
InvolvedWith | Event |
The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |
Location | Location | Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles. The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation. |
0..* (allow duplicates) |