EventAreaType Enumeration

In order to define the possible types a Location can have when in relation to an Event; we suggest reusing the work already done during the "tactical situation object" project. Among many artifacts, a list of area type has been defined. During the scope of the Cooperation project, we chose to limit the enumeration list to the first level defined by the tactical situation object project. Sub-levels are also defined and their adoption could be considered in future developments of the data model (see "Disaster and emergency management - Shared situation awareness - Part 2: Codes for the message structure.").
CWA 15931-1:2009


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source

Aerial area

CWA 15931-1:2009

Combat-related area

CWA 15931-1:2009

Polluted/dangerous area

CWA 15931-1:2009

Area in combustion

CWA 15931-1:2009

General purpose area

CWA 15931-1:2009

Trails of hazardous emissions from an incident influenced by\nthe wind and other weather conditions that are laden with\nparticulates and gaseous pollutants

CWA 15931-1:2009

Cloud of fine particles resulting from a combustion suspended\nin a gas of hot vapour which potentially can impact on people

CWA 15931-1:2009

Area where people will be at risk

CWA 15931-1:2009
Other other

Any other role not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Role not specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: