Consultative Technical Group for Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response (CTG MPPR)

The Consultative Technical Group for Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response (CTG MPPR) was established in 2007 by EMSA, following the expiry of the ‘Community framework for cooperation in the field of accidental and deliberate marine pollution’ on 31 December 2006. The CTG is composed of pollution response experts from EU Member States, EFTA/EEA coastal States, European Commission and EMSA, and observers from the EU Candidate countries. EMSA provides the CTG MPPR secretariat.
The main objective of the CTG MPPR is to provide at the EU level a platform for Member States to regularly meet, share best practices and contribute to the improvement in preparedness for and response to accidental and deliberate pollution from ships and oil and gas installations.

• Provides a forum for the exchange of views and sharing of best practices;
• Defines current and future priority actions in the field of marine pollution preparedness and response to be addressed by the CTG MPPR under its Rolling Work Programme;
• Meets once a year at EMSA premises.

The types of projects and actions undertaken under the CTG MPPR framework include the development of technical studies and guidelines, the organisation of workshops and training courses, and the work of technical correspondence groups on specific issues of common interest.