Anomaly CISE Core Vocabulary Specification

Table of Contents

Model Element Type

UML Conceptual Model

Elements defined in the Core Vocabulary

Anomaly Class, subclass of Event 

The class Anomaly is a sub-class of the class Event. An anomaly is used to characterize an unusual event which deserves to be noted or reported. Anomaly has the same associations and relationships than its parent-class Event. Thus it can have relationship with Document, Risk, Event, Object, Period, Location, and Agent.

Attributes for Anomaly

UML Name Data type Description Example
AnomalyType AnomalyType

The type of the reported anomaly

Cargo leaking

Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the event.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


Metadata Metadata

see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata"

see: Core Vocabularies Specification for "Metadata"

NatureType NatureType

Enumerated. Is used to define nature of the event. An event can be observed, declared, estimated or simulated.

for an observed event:


OccurrencePeriod Period

An Event occurs during a period of time.


Association Roles for Anomaly

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
Document Document

Events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) can be associated to zero to multiple documents.

ImpliedRisk Risk

This bidirectional association can be used to link risks to event or to define events as consequences of one or many risks. Among events associated with Risks we can find: Movements, Anomalies, Incidents and Actions.

For example:

- mitigation actions can be associated with a risk,

- one or many risks can be the consequences of an incident.

- a movement of a dangerous ship can lead to a risk (pollution for example)

InvolvedAgent Agent

Agents (persons, organizations) can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) as actors or targets in many different roles.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class AgentEvent.

0..* (allow duplicates)
InvolvedObject Object

Objects may be involved in Events. Events can concern Objects.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class ObjectEvent.

0..* (allow duplicates)
InvolvedWith Event

The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventEvent.

0..* (allow duplicates)
Location Location

Locations can be involved in zero to multiple events (movements, incidents, anomalies, actions) in many different roles.

The association has additional attributes - please check association class EventLocation.

0..* (allow duplicates)