Component 6 - Security of ships and port facilities (ISPS)


component 06Security, and more so measures to improve it, is becoming an issue of increasing importance especially taking into account the growing political instability in the area and the vulnerable strategic infrastructure in the ports of the beneficiary countries. This activity aims to improve the implementation of the mandatory SOLAS maritime security requirements together with a progressive alignment of the beneficiaries’ national performances to the EU standards by focussing on two main pillars: awareness and knowledge.
The forthcoming Guidance for the development of national maritime security legislation to be adopted by the IMO in May 2016 should also be used in the programme to increase the adequacy of the national legislation of the beneficiary countries with the international requirements.
The objective will be achieved by addressing the institutional capacity of the relevant administrations and through training sessions both about ship, port facility and port security. The programme should therefore deliver trainings both at regional and at national levels for the beneficiary countries. At national level it should address the central level of the administrations of the beneficiary countries and the local port level. Common trainings and exercises for the two last mentioned levels would create synergies. Through practical training events and sharing best practices with the EU Members States beneficiaries will be actively supported to implement their obligations both as port State and as Flag State and to monitor the activity performed by Recognised Security Organisations on their behalf (if any).


Expected output

• Improved security of ships and port facilities
• Improved institutional capacity to give way for full implementation to the ISPS Code requirements
• Increased approximation to EU practises in the field of maritime security.