Statement of any other information relevant to the ship arrival, stay or departure. |
Textual description of the attached document. |
A code indicating the type of the attached document. |
Refer to code list Attachment type |
Logistics Transport Movement |
The operator-assigned reference code for the ship's voyage. |
The count of persons on board the ship who are passengers as defined by SOLAS. |
The count of persons actually employed for duties on board during the voyage in the working or service of the ship and included in the crew list. |
A description of the type of cargo carried on the ship in general terms. |
Dangerous Goods Indicator |
Dangerous goods carrier indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the ship is carrying any dangerous goods. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Number of persons on board |
The total number of persons on board the ship including crew and passengers. |
The number of drivers onboard the ro-ro ship. |
The given name of the person in charge of the ship. |
The family name of the person in charge of the ship. |
Estimated Transport Means Departure Occurrence Date Time |
ETD from last port call location |
The date and time when the vessel expects to depart from the last location during the port call (ETD). |
Expected last port call location |
The identification of the expected last location to be visited during the port call (berth or anchor). |
The type of the ship shown on the ship's documents (e.g. IMO certificates). |
Forward Draught Level Measure |
The vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull, with the thickness of the hull included from forward, in meters. |
Aft Draught Level Measure |
The vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull, with the thickness of the hull included from aft, in meters. |
The longest breadth of the vessel in meters. |
Air Draught Level Measure |
The vertical distance between the waterline and the highest part of the ship in meters. |
The ship's mid-draught in meters. |
Protruding parts description |
The description of objects protruding beyond the extreme dimensions of the ship. |
The ship's deadweight tonnage expressed in metric tons. |
The actual vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull of the ship at her maximum part in meters. |
The distance between the forward most and after most parts of the ship expressed in meters. |
Off-Standard Length Measure |
The additional length beyond the overall length of the ship in meters e.g. from bowsprit, helideck etc. |
Off-Standard Port Measure |
The extra width on the port side, from the moulded body of the ship, in meters, e.g. from bridge wings |
Off-Standard Starboard Measure |
The extra width on the starboard side, from the moulded body of the ship, in meters, e.g. from bridge wings, helideck |
The gross tonnage shown on the ship's International Tonnage Certificate or other document issued by the Flag State or Recognized Organization. |
The net tonnage shown on the ship's International Tonnage Certificate or other document issued by the Flag State or Recognized Organization. |
Ship Flag state, coded |
Departure transport means nationality |
The code representing the nationality of the ship shown on the ship's documents (e.g. IMO certificates) |
The code representing the nationality of the means of transport on which the goods are directly loaded at the time of export or transit formalities. |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (UN/EDIFACT codes 3207) |
The unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to the Certificate of Registry by the issuing nation for tracking purposes. |
The date of issue shown on the Certificate of Registry. |
Ship registry port, coded |
A code representing the port of registry shown on the ship's documents (e.g. IMO certificates) |
The name and country for the Port of Registry shown on the ship's documents (e.g. IMO certificates) |
The Flag's register where the ship is registered |
Refer to Annex V of Directive 2009/42/EC |
The unique company identification number shown in the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). |
The name of the Company shown in the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). |
The ship operator's organization number within the NOx Fund registry. |
The ship's company identification code according to the SMDG Liner code list. |
NOx Fund affiliation number |
The NOx Fund affiliation number of the ship's company. |
The postal code of the ship's IMO Company's address. |
IMO company street and number |
The street name and number of the ship IMO Company's address. |
The city name of the ship's IMO Company's address. |
IMO company country, coded |
A code identifying the country of the ship's IMO company's address. |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code (UN/EDIFACT codes 3207) |
The phone number of the ship's IMO Company. |
IMO company email address |
The email address of the ship's IMO Company. |
Construction Characteristic |
Solid Transverse Metacentric Height Measure |
Solid transverse metacentric height |
The ship's solid transverse metacentric height in meters. |
Free Liquid Surface Correction Measure |
Correction for free liquid surface |
The ship's correction for free liquid surface expressed in meters. |
The ship's roll period expressed in seconds. |
The vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull of the ship at her maximum part in meters. |
The identification number of the shipping line. |
Estimated date and time of arrival at the next port of call |
The estimated date and time of arrival at the port immediately subsequent to the port of departure. |
A sequence number given to an element in a list |
Next port of call, coded |
Subsequent port of call, coded |
A code representing the port immediately subsequent to the port of departure. |
A code representing a subsequent port of call. |
Estimated Transport Means Departure Occurrence Date Time |
Date and time of departure - estimated |
The date and time at which the ship is estimated to depart from the port of departure. |
Sailing Planning Request Type Code |
Planning type for sailing request, coded |
The code representing the type of planning information provided in the request for sailing in the port area. |
Refer to code list Planning type |
Pilot Compulsory Indicator |
Pilot compulsory indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether it is mandatory to request pilotage. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Expected Port Area Departure Date Time |
The estimated date and time of departure (ETD) from the port area not from port facility. |
Departure Port Exit Location Text |
The point of exit that is used to leave the port of call, e.g. seaside, hinterland. |
After Departure Sea Passage Indicator |
Sea border passage after departure indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the ship crosses the sea border after departure. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Border port at departure, coded |
A code identifying the last port that is passed at the external border by the ship destined for sea coming from an inland port. |
Requested Pilotage Service |
Applicable Pilotage Exemption |
Pilotage exemption type, coded |
A code representing the reason for the ship to be exempted from obligatory pilotage. |
Refer to code list "Pilotage exemption type" |
Pilotage exemption indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the vessel is exempt from pilotage in the movement. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Examination Candidate Permitted Onboard Indicator |
Pilot exemption exam indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether a Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) exam is requested on board along with a pilot examinator. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Pilot Exemption Certificate |
Pilotage exemption certificate number |
The Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) number. |
Pilot exemption certificate type, coded |
A code representing the type of Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC). |
Refer to code list Pilot exemption certificate type |
Pilot exemption certificate validity date |
The validity date of the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC). |
Pilot exemption certificate holder family name |
The family name of the holder of the pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC). |
Pilot exemption certificate holder given name |
The given name of the holder of the pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC). |
Pilot exemption certificate validity from port, coded |
A code identifying the port where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) starts. |
Pilot exemption certificate validity from port name |
The name of the port where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) starts. |
Subordinate Subordinate Location |
Pilot exemption certificate validity from berth name |
The name of the berth where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) starts. |
Pilot exemption certificate validity to port, coded |
A code identifying the port where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) ends. |
Pilot exemption certificate validity to port name |
The name of the port where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) ends. |
Subordinate Subordinate Location |
Pilot exemption certificate validity to berth name |
The name of the berth where the route applicable to the Pilot Exemption Certificate (PEC) ends. |
Related Inland waterway vessels |
Departure Constellation Indicator |
Constellation at departure indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the departure relates to a constellation of pushing and towing units. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Departure Fully Loaded Indicator |
Fully loaded at departure indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the ship is fully loaded at departure. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
Port Call Departure Event |
Departure Waterway Direction Code |
Departure direction, coded |
A code representing the departure direction. |
Refer to code list Stream direction |
Cargo transshipment indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether another ship or barge will come alongside the ship for cargo transfer. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
A yes/no indicator whether the ship has a malfunction of vital equipment or issues that limit its navigation or manoeuvring capabilities. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |
A code representing the malfunctioning equipment of the ship or limitations to its navigation or manoeuvring capabilities. |
Refer to code list Ship defect type |
The description of ship's defects. |
The name of the person on board the ship from whom detailed information regarding the port call may be obtained. |
Ship contact person phone number |
The phone number of the person on board the ship from whom detailed information regarding the port call may be obtained. |
Ship contact person email address |
The email address of the person on board the ship from whom detailed information regarding the port call may be obtained. |
Ship contact person address |
The address of the person on board the ship from whom detailed information regarding the port call may be obtained. |
Specified Statutory Report |
Kiel canal passage planned indicator |
A yes/no indicator whether the ship will sail along the Kiel Canal on its way to or from a port of call in Germany. |
yes/no indicator (1=yes, 0=no) |