WeatherConditionType Enumeration


Source: CWA 15931-1:2009

Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
HUM hum weather

Humid conditions

CWA 15931-1:2009
ICY icy weather

Icy conditions

CWA 15931-1:2009
TDS tds weather

Thunderstorm conditions

CWA 15931-1:2009
WIN win weather

Windy conditions

CWA 15931-1:2009
DRZLE drzle weather

Drizzle. Fairly uniform precipitation composed exclusively of fine drops very close together. Drizzle appears to float while following air currents although, unlike fog droplets, it falls to the ground. It usually falls from low stratus clouds and is frequently accompanied by low visibility and fog.

CWA 15931-1:2009
FOG fog weather

Fog/mist. A visible aggregate of minute water particles (droplets) which are based on the Earth’s surface, extends vertically, and reduceshorizontal visibility to less than 5/8 mile (1,000 meters). Unlike drizzle, FOG does not fall to the ground.

CWA 15931-1:2009
Other other

Weather Condition type not listed here

NonSpecified non-specified

Weather Condition type is not declared


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: