OperationalAsset CISE Core Vocabulary Specification

Table of Contents

Model Element Type

UML Conceptual Model

Elements defined in the Core Vocabulary

OperationalAsset Class, subclass of Entity 

An Operational Asset is an Object (in particular means of observation or transportation, but also including associated sensors, means of communication and means of intervention such as deterrence or neutralization of threats, fire fighting, pollution containment etc.) enabling operational Actions (most often at sea or on sea shores) of the Agents mandated by public Organizations in charge of Maritime Safety and Security.

Attributes for OperationalAsset

UML Name Data type Description Example
AvailabilityPeriod Period

Defines the time period of Agent involvement in the Event. Can be either defined by start and end dates/times or duration.

• Format for date is: CCYY-MM-DD

• Format for time is: hh:mm:ss

• Format for duration is: P[yY][mM][dD][T[hH][mM][s[.s]S]]

See also : Core Vocabularities Specification for "Period"

Date (e.g. 27th October year 2013): 2013-10-27

Time (e.g. 20 minutes and 45 seconds past noon): 12:20:45

Duration (e.g. 7 years, 3 months, 8 days, 8 hours, 31 minutes and 52.05 seconds): P7Y3M8DT8H31M52.05S

Identifier UniqueIdentifier

Identifier of the operational asset.

Each UniqueIdentifier can be correlated with other UniqueIdentifiers, either manually, by operators, or automatically, by systems, so that duplicate objects in the network can be identified and brought together for a better understanding of the information being shared.


MaxPassengers int

MaxPassengers of an OperationalAsset

200 passengers

MaxSpeed double

Max. Speed of the Operational Asset measured in knots


Metadata Metadata

see: Core Vocabulary Specification for "Metadata"

see: Core Vocabulary Specification for "Metadata"

OperationalAssetType OperationalAssetType

Asset type


OperationalCapability OperationalCapabilityType

Defines the Asset Capability to perform as intended in an operation

Search and rescue

Range double

Range of the Operational Asset

Coastal Radar with 0-9 range miles of detection

ReadinessState XSD::Time

The lexical space of xsd:time is identical to the time part of xsd:dateTime (hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm]), and its value space is the set of points in time recurring daily.

The period (one day) is fixed, and no calendars other than Gregorian are supported.

Valid values include 21:32:52, 21:32:52+02:00, 19:32:52Z, 19:32:52+00:00, and 21:32:52.12679.

Invalid values include 21:32 (all the parts must be specified), 25:25:10 (the hour part is out of range), -10:00:00 (the hour part is out of range), and 1:20:10 (all the digits must be supplied).

Association Roles for OperationalAsset

UML Name Data type Description Multiplicity
CorrespondentVehicle Vehicle

Permits the definition of a Vehicle as an operational asset. One vehicle can be defined as a single operational asset or not.