Workshop materials & reports

Workshop materials & reports
Title Place Date Documents Reports
Pre-cycle workshop on visits to Member States -Directive (EU) 2019/883 on port reception facilities
Lisbon 19.09.2023
EMSA Workshop on the Sulphur Directive
Lisbon 20.06.2023
13th CISE Stakeholder Group meeting
Videoconference 21.06.2023
CISE Workshop at the European Maritime Day 2023
Brest, France 24.05.2023
CISE workshop for the Adriatic Sea region
Portorož, Slovenia 11.05.2023
ECGFF - EMSA workshop on Coast Guard functions in support of the European Green Deal
Lisbon 18.04.2023
SSN / LRIT Group Meeting 13
Lisbon 24.05.2023
CleanSeaNet User Group 22
Lisbon 09.03.2023
12th CISE Stakeholder Group meeting
Lisbon / Videoconference 07.03.2023
19th Mediterranean Expert Working Group Meeting
Rome, Italy 25.01.2023
T-AIS exchange in MAREΣ and future developments
Rome, Italy 26.01.2023
Workshop on Alternative Fuels (biofuels and ammonia) and Power Solutions for Shipping and Ports
Lisbon / Videoconference 18.10.2022
SSN / LRIT Group Meeting 12
Lisbon 28.10.2022
11th CISE Stakeholder Group meeting
Ispra / Videoconference 13.10.2022
Workshop on Directive (EU) 2019/883 on Port Reception Facilities
Lisbon / Videoconference 10.10.2022
CISE-Industry webinar
Videoconference 29.09.2022
Joint EMSA-EFCA workshop on safety/fisheries control rules applicable to fishing vessels
Vigo (Spain) 21.06.2022
10th CISE Stakeholder Group meeting
Lisbon / Videoconference 09.06.2022
Integrated Maritime Services User Consultation Meeting #18
Videoconference 25.05.2022
CISE Workshop at the European Maritime Day 2022
Ravenna, Italy / Videoconference 19.05.2022

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