Network of Stand-by Oil Spill Response Vessels: Drills and Exercises. Annual Report 2018
In order to provide additional support to the pollution response mechanisms of EU Member States in a cost efficient way, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) operates, in European waters, a ...
Published10.04.2019Categories -
EMSA Outlook 2019
This publication presents the main steps the Agency plans to take in 2019 to deliver on its multi-annual strategic objectives. The content is based on the information contained in the Single ...
Published05.04.2019Categories -
MAR-ICE Network - Fourth review and evaluation of the MAR-ICE Network covering its operation from January 2016 to June 2018
The MAR-ICE Network was established in 2008 through a 3-Party Cooperation Agreement (as amended) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research and ...
Published04.04.2019Categories -
Ballast Water Management - Guidance for best practices on sampling
This document provides best practice guidance and a harmonised approach to sampling for compliance in accordance with Article 9 of the IMO Ballast Water Convention 2004. This document has been ...
Published01.03.2019CategoriesTags -
Copernicus Maritime Surveillance - Info sheets
These six info sheets introduce the different function areas covered by the Copernicus Maritime Surveillance service, and highlight one use case per area. They illustrate how the CMS service can be ...
Published22.01.2019Categories -
Copernicus Maritime Surveillance - Service Overview
The Copernicus Security Service supports EU policy by providing information in response to Europe's security challenges. It improves crisis prevention, preparedness and response in three key areas: ...
Published31.12.2018Categories -
Programming Document 2019-2021
The EMSA Programming Document 2019-2021 was adopted by the Administrative Board at the end of 2018. It constitutes the Agency’s roadmap for the year to come, laying out the specific actions and ...
Published21.12.2018Categories -
The main objective of the EMSA FIRESAFE studies is to improve the fire safety of ro-ro passenger ships by cost-efficient safety measures reducing the risk of ro-ro space fire, with an aim to discuss ...
Published21.12.2018Categories -
Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2018
The Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents consists in a high-level analysis of accidents reported by the EU Member States in European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP).
Published14.11.2018Categories -
Safety Analysis of Data Reported in EMCIP - Analysis on Marine Casualties and Incidents involving Ro-Ro Vessels
EMSA has developed a methodology to analyse data reported in the European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) with the view to detect potential safety issues. Such a methodology has been ...
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