Training & Cooperation Newsletter May 2016
Check the latest Training and Cooperation Newsletter available. This newsletter is published quarterly.
Published17.06.2016CategoriesTags -
Newsletter June 2016
In this edition: New satellites expand EMSA’s Earth Observation Capacities; Finnish city of Turku hosts European Maritime Day 2016; EMSA Ongoing support for member states as they implement EU ...
Published03.06.2016Categories -
Newsletter May 2016
In this issue: Oil spill response exercise held in Morocco; 28th Equasis editorial board meets in Lisbon; EMSA delegation heads to Rome; Seminar in Vancouver looks at better decision-making via ...
Published04.05.2016Categories -
Newsletter April 2016
In this issue: Portuguese MEP visits EMSA; Exchanging expertise on oil spill identification and fingerprinting; EMSA expands into new areas of cooperation with the European Anti-Fraud Office; Impact ...
Published04.04.2016Categories -
Newsletter March 2016
In this issue: Enhanced support for decision making on the use of dispersants; IMSAS auditor training held at EMSA at IMO request; Equasis Unit heads to Oman to promote inspection data exchange; ...
Published04.03.2016Categories -
Newsletter February 2016
In this issue: Cooperation continues in support of ships in need of assistance; EMSA becomes entrusted entity of the EU's Earth Observation programme Copernicus; THETIS-S: one year in review; ...
Newsletter January 2016
In this issue: Commission proposes to amend EMSA's founding regulation as part of new border package; Using behaviour detection systems for greater maritime awareness; Raising awareness on the ...
Training & Cooperation Newsletter December 2015
Check the latest Training and Cooperation Newsletter available. This newsletter is published quarterly.
Published16.12.2015CategoriesTags -
Newsletter December 2015
In this issue: Two new service contracts for stand-by oil spill recovery vessels; Preparations underway for new distance learning software; Latest overview of marine casualties and incidents just ...
Newsletter November 2015
In this issue: Transport Commissioner Bulc sends important message to EMSA; Embracing what technology has to offer for maritime surveillance; EMSA satellite services used in migrant rescue ...
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