CISE Node Administrator Training
CISE successfully completed the first remote training course for Node Administrators. Twenty five participants from 10 different countries and three agencies attended the two day training exercise ...
Published06.07.2020Categories -
EMSA publishes monthly report
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, the Commission, the member states and the shipping industry have been taking measures to ensure the continuity of operations and thus the security of supply. ...
Training on MLC, 2006
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and in order to ensure continuity of the capacity building services offered to Member States, the Agency organised and delivered a Training on MLC, 2006 on ...
Published26.06.2020Categories -
MAOC (N) joins the CISE Stakeholder Group as observer
Following a request from The Maritime Analysis and Operation Centre – Narcotics (MAOC (N)) to join the CISE transitional phase, the CISE Stakeholder Group decided at its 4th meeting on 9 June 2020 ...
Published24.06.2020Categories -
Fire safety in ro-ro passenger ships – FIRESAFE studies
The FIRESAFE studies commissioned by EMSA have been the basis of the IMO work on reviewing and updating the fire safety standards of ro-ro passenger ships. A first result of this work is the ...
Published23.06.2020Categories -
First CISE Test Campaign concluded in May 2020
Within the Transitional Phase of CISE, a Test Campaign was initiated by the CISE Stakeholder Group (CSG). The overall goal of a Test Campaign has been to test the connectivity and the service ...
Copernicus infosheet Fisheries Control - Overview
Published08.06.2020Categories -
Newsletter June 2020
In this issue: First annual report on CO2 emissions from maritime transport published, Enhance maritime situational awareness over your area with Copernicus Maritime Surveillance, RPAS maritime ...
Published27.05.2020Categories -
Newsletter May 2020
In this issue: Covid-19 contingency measures published on the EMSA website; EMSA information systems are monitoring cruises during covid-19 outbreak; New cycle of visits places focus firmly on ...
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