Data itemDescriptionResolutionEncoding rulesused in CISE data model
I062/010Data Source IdentifierN.A.MYes
I062/015Service IdentificationN.A.ONo
I062/040Track NumberN.A.MYes
I062/060Track Mode 3/A CodeN.A.ONo
I062/070Time Of Track Information1/128 sMYes
I062/080Track StatusN.A.MYes (partially)
I062/100Calculated Track Position (Cartesian)0.5 mONo
I062/105Calculated Track Position (WGS-84)180/225 °OYes
I062/110Mode 5 Data reports & Extended Mode 1 CodeN.A.ONo
I062/120Track Mode 2 CodeN.A.ONo
I062/130Calculated Track Geometric Altitude6.25 ftONo
I062/135Calculated Track Barometric Altitude1/4 FLONo
I062/136Measured Flight Level1/4 FLONo
I062/185Calculated Track Velocity (Cartesian)0.25 m/sOYes
I062/200Mode Of MovementN.A.ONo
I062/210Calculated Acceleration (Cartesian)0.25 m/s2ONo
I062/220Calculated Rate Of Climb/Descent6.25 ft/minONo
I062/245Target IdentificationN.A.OYes
I062/270Target Size & OrientationLength/Width:1 mOYes
I062/290System Track Update AgesOrient.: 360°/128ONo
I062/295Track Data AgesN.A.ONo
I062/300Vehicle Fleet IdentificationN.A.ONo
I062/340Measured InformationN.A.ONo
I062/380Aircraft Derived DataN.A.ONo
I062/390Flight Plan Related DataN.A.ONo
I062/500Estimated AccuraciesN.A.ONo
I062/510Composed Track NumberN.A.ONo

CISE Format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- mapping of Radar information in ASTERIX CAT062 - the comments indicate the field used from ASTERIX-->
<Vessel xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
        <GeneratedBy><LegalName>Italian Coast Guard</LegalName></GeneratedBy>
                <Latitude>37.9333</Latitude><!--I062/105 -->
                <Longitude>23.5301</Longitude><!--I062/105 -->
        <Heading>9</Heading><!-- I062/270 -->
        <Metadata><Creator><Nationality>IT</Nationality></Creator></Metadata> <!--I062/010 -->
            <StartTime>22:30:00Z</StartTime><!-- I062/070 -->
        <SourceType>Observation</SourceType><!-- see I062/080 if simulated (then code "SIMULATION")-->
        <SOG>90.2</SOG><!-- I062/185 -->
    <Breadth>14</Breadth><!-- I062/270 -->
    <CallSign>9HA2203</CallSign><!-- I062/245 -->
    <Length>92.86</Length><!-- I062/270 -->

Detailed Mapping

Information sent when there is a detection

CISE data model


Data Item

formatting or code conversionRemarks
 The first octet is the System Area Code
ISO Country code on 2 characters  
See this table for the SAC codes
Vessel.Identifier.UUIDI062/040two octet fixed length data itemUUID type: 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 alphanumeric characters and four hyphensFrom the Track number, an UUID chain needs to be created to ensure uniqueness from the source, e.g. combining the SAC, the SIC, the track Number... (exact rule to agree)
Vessel.Identifier.GeneratedBy--of type Organization entity: at least a name should be providedto be further detailed
Vessel.Identifier.GeneratedIn--XSD::DateTime format (eg 19 OCT 2013 22:36:45)Date of the conversion into the CISE data model (creation of the UUID)
Vessel.LocationRel.PeriodOfTime.StartDate--formated as YYYY-MM-DDDate of the system if the track is received live (a check with the elapsed time since last midnight should be checked to avoid errors close to the change of date)
Vessel.LocationRel.PeriodOfTime.StartTimeI062/070in 1/128s elapsed since last midnightformated as hh:mm:ss 
Vessel.LocationRel.SourceTypeI062/080SIM: 0=actual track, 1=simulated trackCode list: Observation, Estimation, Simulation, Correlation...

If SIM=0: Observation

if SIM=1: Simulation

Vessel.LocationRel.SensorType--Code list: MaritimeRadar, ...

fixed value in case of Radar:



Calculated position in WGS 84 coordinates with a resolution of 180/2^25 degrees. (latitude between -90 and 90)

Octet 1 to 4

in degree, north=positive, south=negativeif I062/100 is used instead (cartesian coordinates) a conversion is required in WGS-84

Calculated position in WGS 84 coordinates with a resolution of 180/2^25 degrees. (longitude between -180 and 180)

Octet 5 to 8
in degree, east=positive, west=negativeSame as above
Vessel.LocationRel.SOGI062/185in cartesian coordinates, in 2 complement form: Vx in 0.25m/s, Vy in 0.25m/sdouble in KnotsMust be converted in Knots (1knot = 0,51444m/s)
Vessel.CallSignI062/2458 characters for the call signString 
Vessel.LengthI062/270length in meter (first part, octet 1)Length in meters (double) 
Vessel.BreadthI062/270width in meter (third part, octet 1)Distance side to side of the vessel in metersVessel.Breath is an integer (should be double, needs to be updated)
Vessel.LocationRel.HeadingI062/270in 360°/128 degreesHeading in degrees (double)