OrganizationPurposeType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the general purpose of the organization.


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
GeneralLawEnforcement general law enforcement

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with applicable legislation in sea areas, where there is policing competence; support to enforcement and/or response operations

Customs customs

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with customs regulations on the import, export and movement of goods; support of enforcement operations\n• Early warning/identification of criminal trafficking of goods (narcotics, weapons, etc.); support of response operations

MarineEnvironment marine environment

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on the protection of the marine environment; support of enforcement operations\n• Early warning/identification of incidents/accidents that may have an environmental impact; support of pollution response operations

MaritimeSafetyAndSecurity maritime safety and security

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on the safety and prevention of pollution caused by ships (construction, equipment, crew/passengers, cargo); support of enforcement operations\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on the safety of navigation (vessel traffic safety); support of enforcement operations\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on the security of ships; support of enforcement operations\n• Supporting safe and efficient flow of vessel traffic; vessel traffic management\n• Early warning/identification of ships/persons in distress; support of response operations (search and rescue, salvage, place of refuge)\n• Early warning/identification of maritime security threats, within the scope of SOLAS Chapter XI-2; support of response operations\n• Early warning/identification of threats/acts of piracy or armed robbery; support of response operations

Defence defence

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring in support of general Defence tasks, such as: exercising national sovereignty at sea; combating terrorism and other hostile activities outside the EU; other Common Security and Defence Policy tasks, as defined in Articles 42 and 43 TEU.

FisheriesControl fisheries control

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on fisheries; support of enforcement operations\n• Early warning/identification of illegal fisheries or fish landings; support of response operations

BorderControl border control

Authorities responsible for:\n• Monitoring of compliance with regulations on immigration and border crossing; support of enforcement operations\n• Early warning/identification of cases of illegal migration or trafficking in human beings; support of response operations

Profitable profitable

Not authority. Private or public organization/company which is expected to make profit.

NonProfitable non-profitable

Nor authority. Private or public organization which is not expected to make profit.

Other other

Any other not mentioned before

NonSpecified non-specified

Not declared


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: