SensorType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the Sensor at the origin of an association between an Object and a Location.


Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
Sighting sighting

The Object is observed at the Location

UnderwaterSensor underwater sensor

Underwater sensor

MaritimeRadar maritime radar

Maritime radar

SyntheticApertureRadar synthetic aperture radar

Synthetic aperture radar

EOIROptronicSystem EOIR optronic system

EO/IR Optronic system

MaritimeMovingTargetIdentification maritime moving target identification

Maritime moving target identification

SignalInterceptionSystemsCOMINT signal interception systems COMINT

Signal interception systems COMINT

SignalInterceptionSystemsELINT signal interception systems ELINT

Signal interception systems ELINT

EnvironmentalSensingSystems environmental sensing systems

Environmental sensing systems

AutomaticIdentificationSystem automatic identification system

Automatic Identification System (AIS)

VesselMonitoringSystem vessel monitoring system

Vessel monitoring system (VMS)

LongRangeIdentificationTracking long range identification tracking

Long range identification and tracking (LRIT)

AutomaticVehicleLocation automatic vehicle location

Automatic vehicle location (AVL)

AcousticSystems acoustic systems

Acoustic Systems ACINT

NonTraditionalSources non-traditional sources

Non-traditional sources

Other other

Any other sensor not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Sensor not specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: