AgentRoleInObjectType Enumeration

This enumeration presents the relationship between Agent and Object.

Source: NSW

Values of the enumeration

Value Label Description Source
Owner owner

Owns the object

ShipAgent ship agent

Is the agent of the object

Passenger passenger

Is a passenger of the object

CrewMember crew member

Is a member of the crew of the object

CaptainMaster captain master

Is the master of the object

ShipOperatingCompany ship operating company

Is the master of the object

CompanySecurityOfficer company security officer

Is the security officer of the company

Employee employee

Is an employee of the object

VesselBuilder vessel builder

The Vessel Builder

VesselCharterer vessel charterer

The Vessel Charterer

VesselRegisteredOwner vessel registered owner

The Vessel Registered Owner

VesselCompany vessel company

The Vessel Company

ShippingAgent shipping agent

Shipping agent of the goods

Declarant declarant

Declarant of the goods

CarrierAgent carrier agent

Carrier agent of the goods

ShippingLine shipping line

Shipping line for the goods

CustomsBroker customs broker

Customs broker of the goods

DGPContactPoint DPG contact point

DGP (dangerous and polluting goods) contact point

Other other

Any other role not mentioned above

NonSpecified non-specified

Role not specified


Related attributes in the model

The following attributes use this enumeration as data type: